Friday, August 31, 2018

Left Behind

Jesus, remember me…” Luke 23:42

When I was a little girl we always took two cars to church because Daddy had to be there early since he taught Sunday School. I remember one Sunday being left behind when one parent assumed I was with the other parent. Of course, cell phones didn’t exist, so it wasn’t until they arrived at home that the discovery was made. Meanwhile, the one time it happened to me I remember sitting on the front steps of the church waiting for one of them to return. I knew they would remember to come and get me when they arrived home and the discovery was made. I wasn’t scared because I trusted them, and I knew it was just a matter of time. But time seemed to drag by and watching the road seemed like watching a pot producing steam instead of a boil. I felt impatient, irritated and frustrated. I didn’t want to admit it, but somewhere deep down was that haunting echo, ‘Have I been forgotten?’

I’ve got to say that some days I feel like that little girl sitting on the front steps of church watching everyone else’s life go by and wondering when God will reveal His plan. Sitting there wondering at what point in time will God answer my prayer…remembering my deep desire. When will God walk up that front sidewalk in our circumstances and provide what was lost…remembering the need of purpose in work. Most importantly, remembering His promise to me.  I wonder if you ever feel the same way, wondering if God has forgotten you? Are there days you look at the horizon in your life just watching for signs that God is remembering your pain…remembering your loneliness…remembering your need? For me, when I get in the mindset of that little girl on the church steps I begin feeling unfocused in prayer…scattered in my emotions…discontent in my Bible Studies. But then, God reminds me that I have not been forgotten. That He is on the way back to the church to pick me up. That it is just a matter of time before I see the grand plan from the divine Planner. From Genesis to Revelation God has been remembering people and working for their good. From Abraham waiting forever on the promised son to the criminal on the cross, God’s children have been praying for God’s memory to include them.

What is it that you are hoping for God to remember regarding your life? How do we not become weary in the wait? I truly believe it is by getting out of our normal ‘God routine’ to move things out of the mundane to the memory. If I want God to remember me and my circumstances I will focus my heart on my memory. My memory of how God saved my daughter…my memory of how God ignited my heart in 2006…my memory of how He preserved my marriage…my memory of how He sent work after another dry season. Waiting on God can be difficult but finding a time He didn’t remember me is impossible.

"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful." Hebrews 10:23

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Tarnished Hearts

But the Lord said unto him, ‘Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name.’ Acts 9:15.

Last year about this time we were preparing for Mother’s wedding to a wonderful man who has settled right in to our crazy family. We love him, and I call him our ‘exceedingly more’ blessing. God certainly gave us more for which we could ever have imagined or asked (Ep 3:20). I wanted to use my friend’s beautiful silver dishes which she acquired from her grandmother. She hadn’t had the chance to clean them since they divided things up in their family. She was more than happy to share the beautiful dishes, but I understood that I would be spending days with tarnish remover, rubber gloves and a ton of elbow grease. I just couldn’t believe the beauty of the silver once the work was done. It went from dull to shiny…black to silver…dark to brilliant. There was something powerful about the process of bringing beauty and restoration back into something that had been shelved and untouched for a long time.

I wonder if that is how God felt when he reached for me in Feb of 2006. I had been His since the beginning of my life, and I cannot remember a time when He wasn’t a focus in our home. But my lack of intimacy with Him kept me in the curio, and I became tarnished and used very little in His kingdom. But one day as He considered my life and saw the journey up ahead He knew I would need a more active and living relationship. He gently lifted me from the life I was living and worked on my heart, removing the dark places that had lost its shine and beauty. It has been a wild restoration project where some silver breaks through but there is still a lot of spiritual tarnish to remove. The point is to be that vessel that allows Him to take the darkness and replace it with brilliance. Only in His hands can He restore our life and circumstances that will be more beautiful than the ones we originally had. He is the only One who knows what situations will eventually bring forth the valuable silver…our testimonies.

Whatever has been tarnished in your life will be replaced with brilliance when placed in His hands. We can know with everything in our heart that God has an ‘exceedingly more’ blessing up ahead for you and for me. Every single detail of every set of circumstances have been crafted and orchestrated for your life to display His reflection. And what beautiful vessels He will display for His glory in His kingdom.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Hush Little Baby

He leads me beside the still waters.  He restores my soul;” Psalm 23:2b-3

This morning when I was meditating on still waters I was blessed to read some of the antonyms of the word still.  My favorite word that conjured up powerful memories of my childhood was the word hushed.  I can remember that whenever I felt scared or anxious as a child I would look for my mother for no other reason than being close to her.  Her very presence hushed my inner fears and concerns as a child.  I knew that if I stood next to her I was safe because at that age I was convinced that she had everything I needed to be safe.  Just by being by her side my heart and mind were calmed and the noises of my soul were hushed.

Fifty-five years later I am still that little girl who looks for the One who leads me into calm.  I know when I have stayed away too long God will draw me to Him leading me back to His still waters.  The closer I stay by His side the fewer noises I hear that are unsettling.  Some of my noises involve the taunt that there is no future work…some of my noises involve an unanswered prayer I’ve been lifting for over a decade…some of my noises still try to win me back over in my pursuit of pleasing people.  But thankfully we have the same Father King David had a few thousand years ago. His beautiful Psalm states, ‘You who still the noise of the seas…The noise of their waves…’ Psalm 65:7.  He hushes the competing sounds so that we can hear His whispers.  When we quieten our souls and nestle up next to Him, we give Him the opportunity to show us that He is God.  When we stop ‘trying’ and start ‘being’ we activate His power of stillness…peacefulness…comfort.  It is through just being near Him that our soul is restored and it well with our soul, even if it is not well with our circumstances.

What noises do you have that need to be hushed?  Move closely to the Father and take comfort that He has everything you need for this season.  He knows the tough journey you are making, and He has equipped you for the deep valley.

For the LORD your God has blessed you in all the work of your hand.  He knows your trudging through this great wilderness…the LORD your God has been with you; you have lacked nothing.’ De 2:7.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Save the Date

The Lord isn't really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed but wants everyone to repent.” 2 Peter 3:9

I presently have the privilege of serving on our 40th high school reunion committee along with 16 other wonderful classmates. It’s been both fun and rewarding to meet and reminisce about our childhood experiences. As our work progresses the discussions are so thoughtful in preparing for the big day. Everyone on our committee has the same desire…to provide an incredible event where every class member can come and fellowship together. The committee is working tirelessly trying to find each person, not wanting anyone to miss out. We sit around the table discussing ways in which we can locate everyone, along with plans for that anticipated celebration. It is shaping up to be a fun time with good food, great music and hopefully tons of dancing.

This morning as I was thinking about our committee I was wondering if heaven is hosting the same planning meetings. I can just picture saints and angels filing in the room as Christ has saved them a seat at the planning table. But this planning session is for each of us who has their own reunion day on the calendar. In my imagination and through my curious eyes, I peek into the room and tune my ears to the conversation. I hear plans of a future day, the feast that they are preparing for me, and the music that is being chosen according to the songs I love. They are making a guest list for my celebration…my grandparents are coming…my dad will make a speech…my sister will be in charge of flowers since she has such a wonderful green thumb. There will be gatherings of aunts, uncles, cousins and friends who will form a welcome line. And then, I will turn around and there will be the face of whom I’ve longed for…and my faith will be my sight. He will ask for the first dance and the music will be a symphony I’ve never before heard, and of course He will lead.

I don’t know what day my celebration is scheduled for and I don’t know what day on the heavenly calendar marks your name. But I’m so glad that we all have a Save the Date notice kept in the Bible to remind us that this is not our home and that perfect things and awesome celebrations are up ahead. The event planners of above will not rest until every person has been found, and every heart has been given the opportunity to RSVP.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Beautiful Evergreens

"He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside still waters.” Psalm 23:2

A couple of years ago I was with my mother at her doctor’s appointment. I was sitting beside her as he was going over her chart. Thankfully, Mother is a very healthy 82-year-old woman who has taken care of herself over the course of time. She was having an issue with balance at that time, and he was encouraging her to take a balance class. But the statement that was sobering was when he said to her, ‘What you do in your 80’s will determine how you live in your 90’s.’ I can’t tell you the impact that one statement has had on my full life, physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally. This truth is why I try to walk each day…to keep my heart healthy and continue to exercise my muscles. This truth is why I try to eat the right things…to ensure that what I digest will nourish me in healthy ways and give me energy. This truth is why I begin the day with ‘green pastures and still waters’ time with the Lord…to renew and restore my mind, soul and spirit. I am far from perfect in my attempts, but I know the importance of the pursuit of these truths. The most important one for me is the last one practice…my time of rest with God.

In the same vein as the doctor’s statement to my mother, what I do each morning determines how I experience the rest the day. When I don’t spend that concentrated time in His pastures I seem to be impatient that day with others. When I don’t pause and allow Him to lead my mind into His will for that day I experience an unsettled heart. The real danger is when days turn into weeks and social media becomes my pasture. I seem to lose gratitude for the things I have, and feelings of inadequacy enter of heart. It is so important each day to experience God in our mornings. What we do in our mornings will determine what we experience in our afternoons and evenings. We will be like beautiful evergreens in our pastures that not only offers nourishment to our souls but to the souls of others in our lives. ‘Your Shepherd wants to lead you to green pastures not just to bless and minister to you but, so He can bless others and minister to others through you.Psalm 23 – The Shepherd with Me, Jennifer Rothschild, p. 61.

"But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is Him. He will be like a tree planted by the waters that sends out its roots toward the stream. It does not fear when the heat comes, and its leaves are always green. It will not worry in a year of drought or cease producing fruit." Jeremiah 17:8

Friday, August 24, 2018

Who We Say He Is

“‘But what about you?’ he asked. ‘Who do you say I am?’” Matthew 15:18

If this were a movie line, we would hear the music swelling in the background and see the tension in Peter’s face when Jesus softly asked him this question.  It was the 64-million-dollar question back then and it still is today.  If Jesus would have asked me this question before 2006 I would have told Him that He was the One who died for me.  I would have declared to Him that He is God’s Son without a shadow of a doubt.  I would have proclaimed that He was before time and in all things created.  But if He asked me today that same question my answers would be completely different.  My old answers were the foundation blocks on which I have built my new answers. 

This morning, I say that ‘You are the One who can move my mountain.  You are the One who is taller than my valley.  You are the One who has rescued me from my fire.  You are more than enough when nothing I do is enough.  You are the One who tells me I am loved when my flesh tells me otherwise.  You make me secure in my seasons of insecurity, and you are the One who tells me my value.  That is who I say You are and You are who You claim to be. 

I am grateful that He still asks this question today of me and of you.  When we answer this question in our prayers we build a prelude to our petitions.  Before we ask for anything, we tell Him that He is our everything.  He is the provision to our need for work…He is the deliverer of our deepest dreams…He is our healer when it comes to our marriages…He is our protector when it comes to our children.  That is who Jesus is and He will never quit asking ‘What about us?  Who do we tell others He is?’ 

For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” Luke 6:45b

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Making New Wine

But let your heart keep my commands…and your vats will overflow with new wine.” Proverbs 3:1, 10

Whenever I hear the word command I think of an exclamation point instead of a period...a shout instead of a whisper. I think of a list of rules made by someone else for the benefit of things or people I cannot see. I think of someone in greater authority with greater wisdom. But this morning I’m seeing a more tender image for this word and His name is God. Sure, some of His commands are instructions to make a better world. Do not murder…Do not lie…Do not steal…Love others despite how they treat you. But what about those tender encouragements where we are commanded to be brave…to walk in courage…to believe that God is in control of our circumstances. What about those precious promises that He will never leave our side…He will never fail us…He will give us comfort and rest, turning our sadness into joy…Through our pain He is making new wine.

There is a song that just stops me in my tracks when the piano begins. Its melody sings the promise that ‘in the crushing…in the pressing…You are making new wine…I came here with nothing, But, all you have given me...Jesus bring new wine out of me.’ New Wine, Hillsong Worship. I recall several seasons where my circumstances crushed my heart and soul. All my body wanted to do was sleep, and all my mind wanted to do was worry. I was crushed in spirit, body and soul and felt completely depleted on most days. It wasn’t until I began pressing into Jesus that I could feel new wine being made of my circumstances. He slowly and tenderly ‘commanded’ me to have hope. His whispers echoed that I would be a new creation…I would find freedom where I had once been imprisoned…I would no longer pursue useless things…all new wine.

I’m sure there are some of you who have been crushed by the news of something. Are your circumstances pressing in on you squeezing the life out of you? God promises rest, renewal and redemption if we will press into Him. He has a heart of reconciliation and orchestrates all the details of our lives. But life can be a hard journey, and hearts certainly can be broken. But when we take what is pressing in to us and press in to Jesus our seasons will overflow with faith, encouragement and hope. He will make new hearts out of every situation and our testimonies will flow out of our suffering.

If Jesus turned water to wine, He can certainly turn our tears to overflowing wine. I pray this song will soothe your soul today and give you hope.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Lacking One Thing

"Jesus looked at him and loved him, ‘One thing you lack…Go…and you will have treasure in heaven.” Mark 10:21

This is the story of a rich young ruler who approached Jesus with a heart bent on eternity. The ruler was willing to do anything…well, almost anything. Jesus saw straight into his heart and fully understood that what the man lacked was the willingness to let go of his most precious treasure. The man walked away saddened because he knew that his unwillingness to let go of ‘something’ was his lack. Jesus was asking him let go of his safety net, his position, his future security. There was one piece of the man's heart that kept the puzzle unfinished. Only by the man emptying that spot could God fill in the missing piece providing fullness and wholeness.

I was thinking this morning about what my heart tells me I lack. There are certainly things for which I pray as if they are needs, but what if God doesn’t provide what I lack because I already possess it down the road? What if it is just a matter of timing in my life's puzzle and its already been given to me? What if I am the barrier to receiving my need by not trusting Him for my lack? I love the description from Jennifer Rothschild in Psalm 23 – The Shepherd with Me. She writes, ‘You make Jesus all you need, and then all you need is found in Jesus…you pay more attention to the Shepherd who supplies your needs than you do to the needs themselves. You want Jesus more than you want what you want! You get treasure in heaven when heaven becomes your treasure’ p. 34.

Paul understood what life without lack truly meant. He was shipwrecked, flogged, beaten and imprisoned, and yet he penned the beautiful words of Philippians 4:18. ‘But I have all…I am full!’ He wasn’t rich, wasn't married, and he was forsaken by his people for ‘going and following’ the message of Christ. He didn't care because he trusted God for every single detail of his life.

When we genuinely see God as our fullness we know He will not withhold any provision from us. If what we see as our need is not being met, maybe it is more of our desire. God never withholds true need from us and always desires to bless us. So, hold onto hope in whatever you feel you lack, because one day your testimony will also include the beautiful words, ‘I have all…I am full.’  The puzzle is finished!

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Balancing our Egg

But we have this treasure in earthen [fragile] vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God, and not of us.” 2 Co 4:7

When I was a little girl there was a game often played at birthday parties I attended. It was the Egg and Spoon Race where two teams were formed. Each participant had to balance an egg on the spoon and walk as quickly as they could towards the finish line without dropping the egg. When it was my turn I can remember starting off fast only to discover my egg was wobbling. I immediately slowed down because the last thing I wanted was to drop the egg causing it to break. The goal of the game was to make it to the finish line with your egg intact. I recall an adult telling me one time to keep my eyes on the finish line, not the egg. There were more than a few times when my egg was cracked from a drop because I shifted my gaze to the egg instead of the goal.

Isn’t that how life is? We all carry around our fragile hearts as we journey through life with a team of friends and family. Sometimes life is smooth, and the walk is easy, while other times it seems we just can’t get our hearts balanced. Circumstances enter our lives and our walk is unstable at best. We look at our circumstances a little too long, taking our eyes off of Jesus. Our hearts get dropped and break wide open forcing us to drop out of the game for a while. But God picks up the broken pieces and through His excellent and healing power puts our hearts together again. He balances the heartbreak with the hope…the weak with the strong…the broken with the restored. He lovingly removes our spoon from our hand when He knows the journey is too hard, and He carries our burdens through our unstable season. When the season is over, and the finish line has been crossed we will fully understand it was God holding our hearts all along. He was the one balancing our lives at the appropriate pace during every season.

Whatever you are balancing on your spoon, make sure that God is the one carrying the spoon. Keep your eyes on the Goal...He is our hope…He is our balance…He is our victory.

Monday, August 20, 2018

The Boss of Me

"Cease striving and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

When our youngest daughter, Caroline and my niece, Alison were 4 and 5 years old every playtime would deteriorate into the same battle cry, ‘You are NOT the boss of me!’ My sister and I came to loathe those words whenever we were together. Caroline and Alison loved each other deeply (and still do) but at their ages, they became obsessed with control and authority. Thankfully, they grew out of that stage within a year of growing into those attitudes. Their love for each other today is still great and their hearts still bent towards each other although life has multiplied their responsibilities.

I was considering how we are like children hating the idea of losing control during a season and having to relinquish our authority in certain sets of circumstances. We really were never in control since there is only One who truly has control. Just as parents He watches us jockey for position as we try to be our own savior or savior for another. We kill ourselves trying to convince those around us that we are strong enough…smart enough…courageous enough to handle whatever bounces against us. It is the ultimate smoke and mirrors that only stinks up the room and reflects pride. We were never created to ‘be the boss’ in our lives but to be held by One.  Author Jennifer Rothschild states, ‘Even though I try to have it all together, to always be strong and brave, at times, in the deepest part of me I’m fearful, vulnerable, and weak. I long for someone to be stronger and smarter than me. Deep down, I just want to relax into whatever I face knowing I don’t face it alone and I don’t have to be in charge…I thought I needed to be in control, when I actually needed to be cared for. I thought I needed to be brave, when I really needed most to be held.’ Psalm 23 – The Shepherd with Me, p. 27.

When we come to God with childlike hearts...fully trusting…fully surrendering…fully clinging we live and move in the confidence that everything we need is found in Him. And we develop hearts that say to Him, ‘Thank you Lord, for being the boss of me!

Friday, August 17, 2018

Tattered Hearts

I have set the LORD always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices; My flesh also will rest in hope.” Psalm 16:8-9

When our son Michael was a toddler he wouldn’t go anywhere without his teal blanket. From the moment his big brown eyes opened each morning until the moment they drowsily closed his little fist clung tightly to it. As soon as he fell asleep I would sneak in his room and gently maneuver his fingers from around the blanket, so I could wash it. The blanket was bound with a silk border which he constantly messed with it until the silk separated from the thermal fabric. I always knew that wherever the blanket was Michael could also be found. It brought him such security and it rarely left his right hand. Even on the beach with 90-degree temperatures he would climb up on my chair, lay on my chest and cover us both with that blanket. Those precious memories between a child and parent…the seeker and the giver…the one who adored and the adorned. I still think about that blanket with all its holes, stains and faded color, no longer bound by silk. Love, hope, comfort and security were what held his blanket together.

This morning his blanket came to mind when I read this Bible verse about setting the Lord always before us and always at our right hand. The second image that came to mind was my Bible that I used during the past years of heartbreak and intense fear. Just like Michael’s blanket my Bible has lost its binding around the edge. During those years I grabbed it constantly, feverishly turning its thin pages, drenching its ink in yellow highlight, claiming things that I had no idea whether they would ever come true. Hope, comfort and promise were woven through my Bible then and still are today. I know that the day cannot begin without my hands clasping the beautiful Word of our beautiful Father. He has a lot to say to us and His Word is the mirror that reflects His character. To completely understand the depth of love and promise that He has for us we must pull up a chair and enjoy the stories in the Bible of the child and the Father…the seeker and the Giver…the one who adored and the Adorned. We cannot truly know God without understanding His history and His character. Everything that is, was and will be were spoken into existence by the same One who wishes to speak to you through His Word.

"For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do." Hebrews 4:12-13.

A tattered heart can be redeemed through a tattered Bible. I'm living proof.

To Daisy With Love

Yesterday when Bruce was in the attic looking for some documents, he brought down some things that had been up there no doubt for many years. It was fun looking through some of the scrapbooks I had made as a teenager. I found my baby book that Mother had filled out over 55 years ago, written in hurried pen as she was probably squeezing it in between diaper changes for Becki and me. As I was putting it back in the box a class picture fell out when I was 6 or 7 years of age. Throughout the night I kept remembering my face in that picture…so innocent…so hopeful…so full of dreams. But even then, I was searching for my own identity. Even then, I remember feeling like I had to remake myself, so I decided to change my name. I told my family, teachers and even my principal to please use my new name when speaking to me. I went to the store, chose a large round piece of wood the size of a small football. I bordered the edge with glue and wrote Daisy with the glue tip in the middle, covering it with colorful glitter. When I lifted it up and turned it on its side, the excess glitter fell onto the newspaper and my new name emerged…Daisy. Fifty years later as her eyes met mine in this picture there are some things I wish I could have told her. In that spirit I find myself wanting to write a letter to her this morning.

"Dear Daisy, as you stand there surrounded by your classmates, I want you to know that first and foremost you don’t have to work for love, you already have it. I want to assure you that everywhere you go in life, God walks right next to you. Please do not be in a hurry to grow up, for life can feel like a bee sting or like that jelly fish that stung you. I would encourage you to linger in your bedroom every chance you get and play with your dolls as long as you would like. Your bedroom is your world where safety and security are your playmates. I want you to know that your value is determined by God and not by the fickleness of the world. Be kind and gentle to everyone because life is hard, and pain is sometimes silent. You will probably experience some failures but through them you will gain wisdom so don’t despise the mistakes. Always use your experiences to build up others instead of hiding them. It just might be the difference between despair and delight. When you are grown, and life seems unbearable open your Bible, soften your heart and take God at His word for everything. Enjoy every drop of love with your mom and dad, sisters, husband, children and grandchildren for they will be your life until the end. I must go for now but always wear your smile in your heart first since your outer appearance will always be determined by your inner heart. Love, Brenda"

What would you say to your 6-year-old self?

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

On Bent Knees

"The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want…He leads me beside still waters…‘Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give…’” Luke 12:32

I can’t seem to get Sunday off my mind when we paddle boarded. I have finally realized why my own experience left me with an emotional hangover in addition to my granddaughter’s experience. It finally occurred to me this morning when I examined my own experience upon that board. The first time I got up was a very uneventful glide. The water was cool and calm, and I didn’t feel any fear or vulnerability. Knowing everyone wanted a turn I glided my board with my paddle and safely returned to the dock. Once the experience described in yesterday’s blog played out and all were safe, I jumped back on the board and took a longer ride. I was really enjoying the calm of the water, the beauty of the day and the peacefulness and joy of accomplishment. I was heading back to the dock, when suddenly an undercurrent began moving me away and towards the open waters. I got a little spooked and fell off the board. With my life jacket on it was difficult to pull my body back onto the board but finally was able to return. I could feel the undercurrent fighting every stroke, so I got on my stomach and began using my arms to guide my board back. After little gain, my daughter Kristen swam out there and guided my board to the left as I stood back up and paddled back to the dock. She was able to understand that my breathing had suddenly changed and had become a little more labored. The first verse of the Lord’s Prayer came to mind this morning…He was my Shepherd…through Kristen He provided what I wanted – safety. He led me back into still waters at the dock.

This morning as I began examining my experience it reminded me of grief. After my dad died there were many days when the waters of grief tossed and churned. Many years later my waters of grief are generally calm. But, when we suddenly are caught off guard by the undercurrents of sadness and pain we can get off balance and lose our footing. We wonder why we must continue to experience grief so many years later...why now? I know what it is like to give in to grief… to give in to that undercurrent that wishes to take us under. With God’s help we can climb back on the board and glide above the currents that can take us off course. Psalm 23 reminds us that whatever we want God has already given us. Psalm 23 reminds us that if we allow Him to guide us through our sad times we will end up in the calmness of our soul. Luke 12:32 chimes in echoing that we are His flock and He takes good pleasure in giving us what our hearts so desire according to His great will. We all have experienced grief of some kind whether it’s the death of a loved one, a career, a relationship or a marriage. During these times we come to Him on bent knees, and He hears our pleas. Our Good Shepherd fully understands our hearts and our pain. He knows how to give us what will satisfy our hearts and heal our wounds. He will help us get back on the board and guide us back to still waters. We are His good pleasure and we can trust Him for whatever we lack.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

The Rest of the Story

O LORD, please rescue me! Come quickly to help me, O LORD!” Psalm 40:13

Sunday was a highly anticipated day by all of us on our family vacation. We had talked about paddle boarding all week, jokingly boasted at how well we would do and finally found ourselves awaiting our turn. When it was my nine-year-old granddaughter’s turn she attached the ankle strap, grabbed the paddle and confidently jumped on the board. She stood up and off she went,while we were all clapping for her. Suddenly like some of the rest of us she fell off, but something made her panic. She began crying and we could tell it was not a moment of frustration. She was genuinely scared and felt out of control of her circumstances. I can only imagine looking at the surface of that expansive body of water from her little eyes. She must have seemed so far from the floating dock. At that moment our daughter Caroline dove in and swam over to her board. She tried to calm Kherington and eventually convinced her to climb back up on the board. Caroline began swimming towards another floating dock dragging the board and Kherington behind her, while the current was pulling them out. After swimming and pulling the board quite a long distance she eventually was able to get both of them to safety on a floating dock up the river. At that point, Bruce knew that both of them were exhausted. He jumped on the other paddle board, got on his knees and raced over there. One by one he put them on his board and transported the exhausted and emotionally spent twosome. I saw two heroes on Sunday who placed the lives of others above their own. Kherington was soon back in the arms of her mother, and Caroline was soon back in the arms of her mother. There were prayers being lifted from everyone no matter the vantage point. God showed up big that day like He always does. He gave both Caroline and Bruce the strength to rescue, and He gave Kherington the peace and relief that she had help. Sometimes God uses others to intervene and other times He reaches down from Heaven and rescues with His own hands that created us. He was the ultimate Deliverer through His protection of all three.

These pictures remind me of how God rescues and saves when we need delivery. When we are at our weakest He is at His strongest. When we fail to see a path in our dire circumstances He shows up with a means of hope and promise. Even if we are depleted and discouraged, He is right behind us moving us through the deep waters back to shore. Like Kherington and Caroline our part is to not fight the process, but completely trust Him in the process. He will not fail us, and He is always with us no matter what situation in which we find ourselves.

“…and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard. Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; you will cry out, and He will say, ‘Here I am.” Isaiah 58:8

Monday, August 13, 2018

A Sling and a Stone

For forty days the Philistine came forward every morning and evening and took his stand. He looked David over and saw that he was little more than a boy...David said to the Philistine, ‘You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty…’ Reaching into his bag and taking out a stone, he slung it and struck…So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone” 1 Samuel 17:16, 35, 49-50

This past week was a glorious time with my family on our annual vacation. It was a three generational smorgasbord of love, laughter and fellowship. Yesterday before everyone left we planned to try our luck at paddle boarding on the Folly River. My granddaughter Kherington had been obsessing over attempting this since her older brother Carson had been so successful at it earlier in the week. Kherington is accustomed to successfully accomplishing everything to which she puts her mind. She jumped on that paddle board and took off, but quickly discovered that it wasn’t as easy as it looked. Later in the week I"ll share the story of what occurred, but suffice it to say she was heartbroken and devastated when she returned to the floating dock with help. She sat there embarrassed, exhausted and defeated. With tears in those big brown round eyes she claimed that she would never do that again.  But the more she watched all of us paddle board, the more she was determined to do it herself. Her emotions were telling her one thing but her inner confidence told her something else. It beckoned her to believe in herself, to not give up on her circumstances and to ‘sling her little stone and defeat the looming giant.’ She reached down deep in her little bag of emotions and pulled out her stones of determination…confidence…courage. She climbed up on that board with her mom, stood up and took hold of the paddle and glided them through the watery giant that earlier taunted her. She commanded her situation through her inner strength.

As I’m thinking about her situation yesterday my mind drifts over into today wondering what Goliath stands looming on your horizon, taunting you morning and evening. What set of circumstances are you facing that requires determination, courage and hope? What is in your bag that you are pulling out daily and is it defeating the giant? We are told in Scripture that we have been equipped for the fight. We are reminded in Scripture that we have the Sword to raise against our foe. We have the ability to look backwards at God’s faithfulness to encourage our hearts in our present situations. When your giant ridicules and taunts you, reach into God’s bag and sling that stone of hope. Sling that stone of belief that God is who He says He is and He will do what He says He will do! Sling that stone of courage that shows your confidence that all things ARE possible through Christ, and that nothing is too big for God to accomplish on behalf of His children.

Until we run through the gates of Heaven, we will face many Goliaths on our path, but we don’t make the journey alone. God is all around us and calming the threatening waves that appear to take us under. Trust in Him alone, sling that stone and watch your Goliath fall!

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Spiritual Sleepy Heads

The Mighty One, God, the LORD, speaks and summons the earth from the rising of the sun to where it sets.” Psalm 50:1
Yesterday morning my granddaughter Kherington had spent the night with me since were leaving the next day for our Emmons' family vacation. Her mom told me to wake her up around 7:30 so we would ready when she came and picked us up. I walked into the dark bedroom, flipped the closet light on so her eyes could better adjust and walked over to her side. She was sleeping so well…so peacefully…so beautifully and I gently patted her back and whispered, ‘Get up sleepy head, it’s time to get going for the day.’ As she slowly turned towards me her little eyes tried to adjust to my silhouette. Finally, a smile stretched across her face and she embraced the day.

This morning as I sat in the dark on my screened porch at the beach I felt like I saw the same scene between God and the sun. The skies were dark with little slices of light as the sun tried to adjust to the darkness. It took almost an hour for the sun to fully open its sleepy eyes and embrace the day. Finally the sun stretched its beautiful smile across the sky. I couldn’t help but to draw a spiritual parallel of my life and how I waited so long to awaken. For almost 45 years I was a spiritual sleepyhead, going through life not fully awake. I’m so grateful that in 2006 God patted my back, and continued to whisper, ‘Get up my little daughter, it’s time to fully embrace life with Me.’ Once I had finally adjusted my eyes to the Light I was able to navigate through some dark times without stumbling. He provided the Light I needed, and never did He fail to lovingly and faithfully guide.

I don’t know what darkness you are walking through but the only way to have the Light in which to navigate is by adjusting your eyes to the One who gently whispers to you. He is calling you to awaken, to adjust your eyes on Him and He will walk with you through this season. He will never leave you in whatever you face today…tomorrow…forever.

The day looks like it’s going to be beautiful and the sun is fully awake and smiling upon the earth. In God there is nothing to worry about today. He has commanded nothing but good for the sun and He has commanded much more than that for your life and for mine. Just wake up, sleepy head!

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Going For a Walk

"'Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God…’ So Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, ‘It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared.’” Ge 23:28-30

This story has always captivated me with both its strange details and its precise application to my life. Jacob was all alone and came upon a messenger of God. As the story unfolds a wrestling match ensues and through the night Jacob wrestled with a man who was a manifestation of God. He was blessed after the struggle by the very God with whom he fought.

There have been several intentional times in my life when I knew that I was out of agreement with God. These seasons were when I sometimes avoided Him, times when I negotiated with Him, and times when I delayed obedience towards Him. I certainly tried capturing Him in a self-made box, making my kingdom come…wrestling that my will be done. But in the end God will always prevail and the blessings will be more than we could have every imagined. I read a quote the other day in my Bible Study that reminded me of those times. Blaise Pascal, a renowned 17th century mathematician, inventor and theologian said, ‘God made man in his own image and man returned the compliment.’ We try to manifest a version of God who reflects our wishes...our agenda...our plan. How many times do we go kicking and screaming through a season feeling as if we are being dragged? How many of our kingdoms must fall so His kingdom can come into our lives? We ask for the deep desires of our heart and then despise the path. I can’t tell you how many times some of God’s greatest work in my heart has been a result of some of the most heart-breaking seasons.

I saw this scene yesterday when I was walking and couldn’t help but smile and inconspicuously snap a picture. (Pardon the blur but I was on the down-low.) I felt that little dog’s pain as he was being forced down a road that seemed scary. The little dog kept jockeying for position, but his master kept walking and gently pulling him along. I don’t blame the little guy because his view of what was ahead must have been scarier than what was behind. We are no different in walking with God. There will be times when we share the walk in unity and fellowship. But many times, there are walks with limited vision, limited direction and a faint heart. These are times when we must trust our Master and allow Him to guide us down the path. He knows what is at the end of the road and He will not guide us to dangerous places, but places where we can experience freedom and joy that the world cannot steal. It's so interesting that I had to be dragged to some of His greatest miracles He performed for me. May we all walk today with Him, and allow His kingdom to come and His will to be done.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Canvas of Glory

And now, finally, GOD answered… from the eye of a violent storm.’ ‘Do you know where Light comes from and where darkness lives, so you can take them by the hand and lead them home when they get lost? You don’t for a minute imagine these marvels of weather just happen, do you? Can you get the attention of the clouds, and commission a shower of rain? Can you take charge and have them report to you for orders?’” Job 38:1, 19-21, 30, 34-35, (The Message)

Last night in bed I was laying there praying for some of my friends who are going through very difficult times. It’s all I can do…it’s all any of us can do. When I started ticking off the multi-faceted challenges of some families I know I became overwhelmed with their suffering and suffering in this world. Suffering brings about such chaos…such disorientation…such hopelessness…such helplessness. So, how precious was the Creator to fill His pitcher from Heaven and pour it down from the skies last night. Picture after picture was on Facebook showing the magnificent catching place of God’s golden glory...our lives. As I lay there, I remembered one of the many sunsets I photographed at Folly Beach last month. God brought to mind a cross in the clouds from Sunday morning that looked like a puzzle in the making…scattered white pieces just waiting for the hand of God to place them in the cross. I slept so well last night, and I awakened to this beautiful collage in my mind. I couldn’t wait to write this devotional to bring hope and healing to someone’s heart this morning. I know that seeing that gorgeous sky last night blessed many. For me it was a reminder that we have more promises than just the rainbow. As beautiful as rainbows are, it takes a storm to see a rainbow. There is so much beauty to be gleaned from creation in the calm times and the stormy times. If only we will take our eyes off our storm and fix our gaze on the supremacy of God.

I know that some of you are in the eye of a violent storm right now, begging God to take your darkness by the hand and lead it away. I know you feel that the light got lost somewhere along the way and you are praying that it will soon be found. If God can command the clouds He can command and arrange the details of your life and lift hope in your heart. If He takes darkness by the hand and leads it away, He can take your hand and guide you through your darkness. Don’t imagine for a minute that God has a perfect placement for each cloud but doesn’t have a perfect plan for you and for me. Through our storms God wants us to get new perspective of His glory. Just as each day brings about different sunrises and sunsets, each season of pain brings about new wisdom and purpose. Taking time to enjoy creation is the path towards order in the chaos and fellowship with the Creator.

"When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and stars which You have ordained. What is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You visit him?" Psalm 8:3-4. (NKJV)

Monday, August 6, 2018

No Empty Chairs

If I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash each other’s feet. I did this as an example so that you should do as I have done for you” John 13:14-15.

Can you just imagine the scene? Jesus, one-third of the Trinity who formed the universe with his hands, now knelt before sinners washing their dusty feet. He scoots on His knees from disciple to disciple and rinses the dust away. He gently wipes the dirt from the feet of the one He dearly loves. He approaches the one whom He knows His church will be built upon one day and quietly serves. He moves to the next chair ready to cleanse, but this chair occupies the one who in a few hours will be responsible for His suffering, yet He washes…He rinses…He tenderly dries. By the time the eyes of Jesus and Judas met, both motives were clear, one to harm but the other to love…one to gain while the other would lose.

It is easy to kneel before those we love and wash their feet. It doesn’t take a champion Christian to rinse those dusty sandals of strangers through our acts of kindness. But what about when we find ourselves asked to kneel and wash the feet of those who have wounded and betrayed us? How will we respond when our eyes lock with their eyes requiring our grace and mercy?

Scripture makes it clear and offers no caveats…we are to kneel, wash, rinse and dry just like Jesus. There is no hurt or betrayal greater than that kiss in the garden where the sinless met the sinner. Our acts of compassion and kindness are not determined upon who is sitting before us. When we truly align our hearts with God, we understand that in all situations it is Christ who sits in that chair before us. We are told in the Bible that what we do for others we do for Christ, the same being true of what we withhold from others.

When Christ finished washing those 24 dusty feet they were all clean to the same measure, not just 22. This is the example by which we are called to live. I love the remedy that Max Lucado offers, ‘Try shifting your glance away from the one who hurt you, and setting your eyes on the One who saved you…Jesus offers unconditional grace to you; we are to offer unconditional grace; The mercy of Christ preceded our mistakes; our mercy must proceed the mistakes of others.’ Experiencing the Words of Jesus, p. 143.

Perfection in this Christian principle is not expected but progression is. The way Jesus was able to do this was through the power of God. We have that same power to call upon that will heal our heart allowing us to wash well. How will we wash? Will we withhold or will we extend?

Behind the Mask

“‘Oh, Hannah, why are you crying? Why aren’t you eating? And why are you so upset...?’ Then she pulled herself together, slipped away quietlyCrushed in soul, Hannah prayed to God and cried and cried—inconsolably. 1 Sam 1:10, 17

Year after year Hannah had waited for a child and year after year her hope seemed in vain. She only had to look around to see others who were planning birthday parties and folding little shirts after laundering. As her friends were tucking in their toddlers she was tucking in her emotions. From how many family dinners did she abruptly and conspicuously excuse herself? Then one day she couldn’t take it anymore…couldn’t hear one more story regarding what she so desperately wanted. But, what she did with her pain is what we are also called to do in our pain…she ran towards Someone instead of away from some 'thing'. ‘Deep, deep down inside of Hannah, buried under deferred hopes and dashed dreams was a kernel of faith…So, she ran and opened the floodgates, no holds barred, as she wept honestly and profusely before God and asked God boldly…’ Christian Broadcasting Network website, Hope for Hannah – Laura Bagby.

We have all been there when dealing with our grief. Grief exposes itself in many forms in addition to the death of a loved one. Grief is experienced in anything that feels like death in our hearts. Like Hannah, we sit around our table with whom we share with family or friends. Then a song comes on that reminds us of a kinder time…a story is shared that used to bring laughter but now brings heartache …good news is told that highlights our bad news. We feel our stomachs churn and tears fill up our eyes. The food on our fork will never get past the lump in our throat and we abruptly push away from the table and head towards the closest door.

We all have those hidden griefs that are carefully tucked behind our fragile masks. It may be the young woman who like Hannah is desperately wanting to see the positive pregnancy test. It may be the lonely heart that is waiting for the love of their life to appear. I could be here all morning naming the manners of grief that people are experiencing. What is more important than the source of our grief is what we do with it. God has given us 66 books in His life-giving Word where page upon page hearts break and God heals. Beautiful ink that tells stories of people called to purpose, and hearts called to relationship. These are not stories of easy living, but messy and chaotic plot lines that all have one Author in common. He is the Author of their circumstances, and the Healer of their souls. In each story, they run to God and beg for delivery from their suffering. And in each story…God was faithful…God was present…God was their anchor and resolution.

Whether your mask is covering a lonely heart, a broken relationship, or an unfulfilled need we all must seek our comfort in God. God alone can change hearts, send provision, repair marriages and restore lives.