Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Crosses of Suffering

"'Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom. Jesus said to him, 'I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.'" Luke 23:41-42.

This was a part of the story when Jesus hung on the cross at Calvary. He was centered between two criminals who were also being put to death. While one of the criminals refused to accept Jesus as Messiah the other knew on some level that He was hanging in the presence of the Savior. In the midst of the criminal's intense suffering while facing death he acknowledged that Jesus had the power to deliver him from a death worse than that of earth - his spiritual death.

In our suffering, we are like that man hanging on the cross beside Jesus sharing in His suffering. Casting our eyes on Jesus gives us a promise and hope for an eternal future no matter what cross we are to bear. We do not have to ask our Father to remember us for we carry His kingdom within us always.

Don't allow your cross to remove your eyes from the One who will bring you into His power and strength.


Don said...

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. I have not had a pain or taken pain medicine since Sat. night @ 5:15 pm.

God is great.

Don said...

Thanks Brenda & Becki for being there. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Much love to you both.


Don said...

My prayer this day is for Kristen as she awaits for baby Kherington. Father, I pray for the physcial strength to endure, the spiritual strength to accept your guidance, and the emotional strength to accept the wonderful joy of another family member, and all that entails.