Sunday, September 13, 2009

Pulling the Ripcord

“Faith that is not tested is not true faith.” Charles Stanley, Success God’s Way, p 58.

This morning as I read this statement in my Bible Study the image of parachutes came to my mind. I looked up parachutes and was amazed at the various types of chutes offered depending upon the purpose. There are parachutes used for sports, parachutes used for military drops, and parachutes used for braking on airplanes upon landing to name a few. Each parachute is carefully constructed based upon the required purpose of that chute.

The same is with our faith. God looks at our lives and sees the purpose He intended on us accomplishing and begins putting together a “faith parachute” which is carefully constructed with our circumstances in mind. As our faith is tested our parachutes must become stronger and more durable so we can face our jumps. Each jump is unique and important to our lives for it teaches how dependency on our faith is vital.

Just as with parachutes, our faith must go through vigorous processes and tests to assure it will perform when needed and our reliance upon that faith will be there when we pull that ripcord.

A parachute for the sport of parasailing would never be given to a Boeing B-4 to use as a drag chute to assist in landing the plane. Likewise, God will never require us to “jump” without having the appropriate provisions required for the jump to accomplish the purpose or adversity at hand. He will equip us with the appropriate faith parachute that will ensure safe landing and mission accomplished.

God will never allow our circumstances to move beyond our faith.

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