Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Knitting Process

“You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalm 139:14

In meditating on this verse I began thinking about the art of knitting, an art I have never tried to accomplish. I remember when I would pick up Beth for the day and bring her back over to my house she would always drag along her bag, yarn and needles in hopes of connecting a few loops. It seems that our “chin music,” as my dad refers to our chatting, would always prevail over the knitting.

To knit is to form, to create and to interconnect using yarn, knitting needles, loops and knots. God takes our lives into His masterful hands, much like yarn, and is continually working on a project of beauty. He loops together circumstances that will interconnect to create purpose while maintaining strength and beauty.

He forms knots in our lives through tugs and pulls to ensure the strength and endurance of our walk. He carries with Him our project throughout the day and never gets too busy to place those gentle hands upon our lives in ways only He can determine. With each season in our life creating a new loop, He firmly and securely ties up that season with a knot that will ensure another lasting faith moment.

With each season of adversity our faith is tugged, stretched and pulled as we learn to respond in our adversity. We can be assured that no matter how uncomfortable the knitting process is God is creating a beautiful garment for which He intends us to wear.

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