Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Where Were You?

Then the LORD answered Job out of the storm… 'I will question you and you shall answer me…Where were you when I…?’” Job 38:1, 4

If you are like me the Book of Job is one that never seems to entice me when studying the Bible.  It seems to be more of a Bermuda Triangle which I tend to navigate around to avoid any possible peril of the heart.  This morning during my prayers I found myself asking the why’s of so many challenging circumstances in the lives of people whom I love and new ones I meet along the way.  I knew that I had to crack open the Book of Job which I now affectionately refer to as the Book of Why.  Job and his friends chewed and gnawed for 35 chapters on why God has allowed all of this, yet they concluded nothing.  They examined the prism from every angle but the results never changed – Job was experiencing suffering in every area of his life.  God spent chapters 38-41 questioning Job forcing him to consider the vast mysteries of God and how each element in the universe was under the authority of the Creator of all good and perfect things.

The LORD’s response reminded me of an answer I got from Him during church one day, as a story was revealed of a woman who was totally healed of cancer right before surgery.   My 41 year old sister had just passed away from cancer leaving a loving husband and an 8 year old daughter behind.  I remember looking up to God in church that day and asked Him why couldn’t Beth have been the woman to receive complete healing on earth?  Like Job, God impressed upon my heart that I had been given many miracles in regard to my daughter when she was a heroin addict living on the streets.  He brought to mind so many things that had been allowed in my life that were amazing blessings.   I felt He answered me with questions like ‘Where were you when I brought her back to life as she lay on the hospital floor that night?  Where were you when I kept her safe from those who preyed upon her youth?’

If God were to answer our questions with His questions they would sound something like this:

“Where were you when I took your dream of being a mother and formed your children with my hands?  Where were you when I placed in the heart of your employer to offer you that job that would benefit you for so many years?  Where were you when I formed the partner that would love you more on earth than any other?  Where were you when I protected that car from hitting your spouse?  Where were you when I gave up my Son so that you could join me one day in Heaven?”

I know that God welcomes our questions and expects our desire for understanding.  Just like Job, we may never get the answer to our why’s but through this intimate exchange with God, He will move from our head to our hearts.  Every question to Him will reveal more of Him.

My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you.’ Job 42:5

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