Friday, February 27, 2015

Tethered to Dusty Walls

But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth” Ex 9:16.

This morning as I was meditating on my Bible Study I couldn’t help but to think about where I’ve been, and the ways in which I’ve been bound by something.  We are told to remember our past, not to hold onto guilt or regret but to maintain a fresh awareness of the power of God.  We are exhorted to meditate on our past enslavements not to be depressed but to be reminded of the brutality of things that used to master over us.  This gives us a fresh heart for gratitude and worship to God.  God raises us up and out of our circumstances to reveal His love, power and faithfulness.  His transforming work in our lives is the proclamation of His name.

The whole point of remembering [the Israelites] slavery was to help them automatically become conscious of their current state of freedom.  Relief was meant to sweep over their souls as they thought back to the shackles that had once tethered them to dusty walls and barren posts.  A spring of gratitude would well up inside them because now they were liberated’ Breathe, p. 94.  I was thinking about the things that once enslaved me and how God showed me the power of deliverance.  I was pondering the days of ‘dusty walls and barren posts’…dirty little secrets in my spending…a barren heart when my daughter was in a life of destruction.  I was so tethered to the darkness that it was easy to lose hope, but then hope arrived!  God showed me what He was made of…showed me the hand of the King of Glory!

What are you tethered to this morning?  What dusty walls and barren posts have you in a state of little hope?  Whatever it is we must tether ourselves to Jesus instead of our circumstances for Jesus is the key to freedom.  He came to set us free from this temporary dwelling called earth, and we are all called to eternity.  God’s desire is for every one of us to join Him in His kingdom and be rid of pain and sorrow once and for all. 

The LORD said, I have indeed seen the misery…I have heard them crying out…I am concerned about their suffering.  So I have come down to rescue...and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey’ Ex 3:7-8.

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