Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Beginning of the End

See, I am doing a new thing!   Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the wilderness   and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19

Can I just be brutally honest and tell you how much I am over this virus?  My feelings are not meant to diminish anything that anyone has gone through or might endure up ahead.  They are simply my feelings and I am confident some of you might be feeling the same.  I believe the reason I am most over it is because I am a woman in love with beginnings.  The beginning of a new season…the beginning of a new project…the beginning of a new adventure.  So, for this woman I feel stuck in quicksand.  I was considering what topic I would write on this morning. How many more mornings must I try to say the same sentiment in different ways?  Where are my ‘fresh mercies’ this morning and why am I having these feelings?  I decided to reread my blogs and see how long the virus has held dominance in the writings.  No wonder, the topic is like stale bread instead of fresh mercies.  This virus has taken my writings hostage for over 6 weeks.  So today, I am rescuing my blog and turning the corner to new… fresh…beginnings.

God meant for us to participate with Him in creation…from Genesis to Revelation…from morning to evening…from our birth to our life in Heaven.  The Bible is full of beginnings and He is still creating…forming…molding…orchestrating.  If we could just think about every way to begin a new way, a new day, a new thought, and a new focus framed around the spirit of creation, we will find fresh mercies.  As I look out the window, I see the beginning of new buds on my rosebush.  I see the beginning of the sunlight hitting the tallest tree.  I see bags of mulch that will be the beginning of something beautiful in my yard.  I see a new plan for my daughter’s refashioned wedding that moved from a beautiful museum to our back yard in June.  I awake to a new day where my back is getting stronger.  In the room on the other side of my house sleeps my grandson who will awake to the beginning of his 15th year.  Fresh beginnings are created in the recesses of our imagination patterned by God who creates new things hourly.  When we tap into His power, the quicksand holds no threat any longer.   Welcome to this woman’s new beginning!

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