Monday, January 11, 2021

When Walking Sticks Aren't Enough

 He lifted me out of the ditch, pulled me from deep mud.  He stood me up on a solid rock to make sure I wouldn’t slip.” Psalm 40:2 


Yesterday was a very interesting day to say the least.  Bruce is overseeing a project for our homeowner’s association.  We share a private lake with 12 other families and the owners voted to put a walking path around the lake.  Our side of the lake has not really been a problem because the land is somewhat level.  But last week Bruce and his friend began working on the other side of the lake on steep terrain that had not been disturbed in decades.  I decided to go with Bruce to the other side of the lake and see the progress they had made.  It was too muddy to walk in the cleared area so we walked above the new path.  I was thankful that I had brought my walking stick with me because I surely needed it to balance my footing.  When we got to the end of the cleared area, he asked me if I wanted to stay there or go with him further around the lake to see the future path that will be cleared as soon as the mud dries out.  I decided to go with him and had no idea what would happen next.  The further we went around the lake, the steeper the bank became with a drastic drop into the lake.  To make matters worse I had worn little plastic boots that had a slick bottom.  The leaves that we were navigating through were soaked and slick.  Bruce went ahead of me and cut pricker branches out of the way so I wouldn’t walk into them.  Afterall, my head was constantly down scanning the ground for hidden roots under the slick leaves.  


As the bank got steeper, I became very concerned and anxious.  He began clearing the leaves from the ground in front of me so I could push against solid ground.  We had another half of the lake to go.  Some of the times I had to extend my walking stick so he could grab one end while he held onto a tree and pulled me towards him.  I tried not to look at the water because it defined just how steep the land was.  At one point, I was clinging to a moss-covered root but I couldn’t get my footing because my boots kept slipping.  Bruce put his back to the lake and planted his boot on the ground and told me to use his foot like the base of a tree and push against it.  I don’t know what kept him from falling in the lake but it worked.  


Every time he could feel me getting weak or frightened, he would tell me that where we were was the worst part and things would soon get better.  He told me that no less than 3 different times but oddly enough it did comfort me.  He had me look beyond the steep area to the level ground up ahead.  Little by little, we inched our way around the lake and I’ve never been so happy to stand up on solid ground. 


This morning while I was praying with thanks that God helped us get around the lake without injury, I was overcome with the love Bruce had shown me.  He went before me cutting branches that would have pierced my skin. He swept the leaves out of my path to better secure my footing.  He encouraged me all the way around the lake having me focus on the level ground up ahead.  He used his own balance and footing for me to push off from when I had no footing of my own.  And then it occurred to me in a flood of emotions…yesterday was a spiritual snapshot of what God does for me and for you every single day.  You see, Bruce had already walked around the lake once before without me.  He knew what we would face around each turn (although he couldn’t have predicted how slippery the leaves were).  As much tenderness and patience that he had for me, it is fractional compared to the love, protection and guidance God has for each of us.  


I know the world feels like steep banks and wet leaves, but God has already been ‘around our lake.’  He knows every detail of where we will plant our feet and guides us through it.  We must trust Him and ‘hold out our walking stick.’  We must look for His firm footing when we are losing ours.  We must keep our eyes on the Lord who goes before us and the hope we have in following Him to the other side.  God couldn’t have shown me His love better than showing it to me through Bruce!  


Whatever you are experiencing and wherever you are going, please have hope that God is reaching out His hand and securing your step at every turn.  Where you are going He has already been.  


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