Monday, April 29, 2013

Iron Chariots

Some boasts in chariots and some in horses, but we will boast in the name of the LORD” Psalm 20:7.

In the book of Judges we find the Israelites comfortably settled in certain areas of their Promised Land – easily and previously conquered areas.  The problem was that God didn’t deliver them to only be victorious over the easily conquered lands – they were delivered to live in the abundance of all their God-given land.   But they avoided the areas that would provide a challenge and require faith on their part.  ‘One reason the Israelites disobeyed God’s command was their fear of the ‘iron chariots’ employed by some of their enemies.  Israel was making decisions based on their limited supplies instead of on the boundless resources of God…If God had commanded their enemies’ destruction, He had also taken into account their iron chariots and had planned to equip His people for victory regardless.  Gideon – Priscilla Shirer, p. 9.

Yesterday during church we were given some time to complete a survey to determine if we are meeting the spiritual goals of our church.  One of the questions that I really had to think about was the area of my life which I felt least equipped.  My answer was in sharing the message of the gospel with others.   I know that those with whom I am surrounded are already Christians with different levels of faith.  My call in this season is to encourage and build those up during their times of crisis.  In the depths of my heart I realized that my answer was more about the insecurity of reaching out to those who do not have a personal relationship with God.  My ministry deals primarily (to my comfort and security) with ‘areas previously conquered’ – those who already experience intimate fellowship with God…easy land in which to live and work.  But like the Israelites, I wasn’t delivered to experience partial Promised Land living – Christ died for me to experience the fullness of His kingdom on earth.  I was rescued to overtake whatever areas God purposes as He equips me for that service. 

Yesterday, the sun didn’t even set before God gave me a sliver of challenging land to conquer with Him leading.  I was substituting in Grief Share when a member of our group was courageous enough to admit that they weren’t sure if they really knew God.  This person was laying out uncomfortable land for me to walk through, but God equipped me and the entire group with the words, testimonies and truths of His message.  It felt as if we were seamlessly walking upon holy ground which God had invited us to be a part of.   We all felt such a powerful sense of the Holy Spirit leading this conversation.  God saw a piece of spiritual land that had fertile soil …a longing heart to experience intimacy with God in a way never before known. 

Through this precious experience, I know that what God purposes will be accomplished, and I will be equipped to conquer any land God determines.

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