Monday, July 27, 2015

Where Is This Fellow?

When the people saw that Moses delayed in coming down from the mountain, they...said ‘Come, make us gods who will go before us...As for this fellow...we don’t know has happened to him”’ Exodus 32:1.
Miracle upon miracle was displayed when the Lord delivered the Israelites from Egypt, and established His chosen people. Their leader was legitimate and the people followed Moses right out of captivity into the freedom of God. They had a visible guide in a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. We should be so blessed to have that constant and visible guidance. But what did they do with that blessing? Their impatience and faulty wisdom allowed them to both consider and invite other gods into their camp after a month or so. They couldn’t even wait 40 days to get God’s message for them. It was not that they overtly denied God, but they chose to include other gods to cover all the bases. They decided that the safest thing to do was to embrace many idols while keeping God in their back pocket.
Don’t we do the same thing? We have asked God for something but we have not heard from Him. We are begging to be moved out of a situation but God keeps us where we are. We pray for contentment and yet we are discontent...unsatisfied...angry...just plain bored. Nothing changes and we get tired of waiting on God and experiencing His silence. ‘As for this Fellow...we don’t know where He is...’ And so, we become impatient and reach out in our wisdom and create other gods... the god of spending...the god of drinking...the god of money...the god of entitlement.
We are not prone to wait well without the settling of the Holy Spirit. When we do not meet God daily as a priority and die to our own will, we slowly begin embracing other gods into our lives. To protect ourselves from erecting false idols we must die daily to what we want, when we want it and how we go about getting it.
Our confidence is in the One whose death and resurrection saved and redeemed us...Jesus Christ. For everything He sacrificed, and for every way He suffered, can’t we give Him our patience and trust? Christ didn’t climb up on the cross to be our crisis manager, but gave up His life on earth to be our daily Bread. I believe that one of the sweetest gifts that we can give back to God is our confidence in all circumstances. When we wait well we say to God I trust you...I love you...Thy will not are my One and only God.
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is heaven. Give us today our daily bread...And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one’ Matthew 6:9

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