Thursday, February 23, 2017

Fake News!

“…this Good News...the word of God cannot be chained” 2 Timothy 2:9.

It doesn’t matter on what side of the political spectrum you lean, everyone has been duped by the news at some point or another. The term ‘fake news…very fake news’ has been coined over the past year and a half, some baseless but some certainly founded. It has been reported that 17 fake news websites have been shut down, but how can we know if that is even true? I’m high jacking this phrase today to apply it to God’s word…the Good News…the very Good News

When we allow the boundary lines to be blurred in the Bible, truth becomes diluted and compromises emerge creating fake news in our lives. The Bible clearly states that we love God when we obey His commands and live by His decrees. When we begin manipulating His words to suit our agendas we have just opened up a fake news site of our own. The creator of fake news is Satan and he never rests when filling our minds and hearts with lies, fear and conflict. It is imperative to protect and guard our thinking and attitudes of the heart so we will not be duped by his message. To the woman who thinks she can never get pregnant…fake news because God determines life, and until His ‘yes or no’ is heard there is hope. To the couple whose marriage feels dead…fake news because God can bring dead to life! To the unemployed worker who is repeatedly rejected…fake news that God has forgotten you. To the despaired parents whose child has wandered away from truth…fake news that they will never be redeemed. To the one with the terminal medical prognosis…fake news that God can’t heal. To the scared and discouraged because of your current set of circumstances…it’s all fake news that God is not still on the throne and in control.

We cannot be dopes in a duped world but must be confident and sure in the One who created the world. His commands are for our protection and we must be chained to the Good News of the Gospel. It is the only chain that sets us free!

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12.

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