Wednesday, January 2, 2019

First Colors

Yet hope returns when I remember this one thing: The Lord’s unfailing love and mercy still continue. Fresh as the morning, as sure as the sunrise. The Lord is all I have, and so in him I put my hope. The Lord is good to everyone who trusts in him. So it is best for us to wait in patience – to wait for him to save.” Lamentations 3:21-26

I can’t believe it has only been a few 24’s since I was writing about the New Year and my anticipation of the blank canvas…the underdeveloped colors of the New Year…my first colors. Little did I know that my first colors would be primarily grays and blacks. Even the first sunrise for me was colorless as I awoke to an overcast sky. I feel as if I were blowing up a new balloon with anticipation of its beautifully stretched color only for it to shockingly pop in my face. On New Year’s Eve I discovered a family friend was fighting for his life. He has meant the world to my daughter and grandchildren and was like a brother to her and an uncle to her children. He is a wonderful friend whom I’ve loved since the day I met him with an infectious personality. As I watch my daughter color in her New Year with pain, fear and grief I know she must color my grandchildren’s picture with this news. Through the night I was praying for Chris and as I considered my devotional this morning, I remembered asking the Lord out loud, ‘How can I possibly encourage others when I’m so discouraged? How unfair is it to share my dark colors so early with those who have barely picked up their brush?’

Yet…hope returned when I remembered…God is near every child who calls upon Him. That means God in His great love is standing at the head of Chris’s bed as his watchman. That means God is kneeling right next to my daughter with His arm around her as she begs for his life to be saved. God is right there with Chris’s wife and daughters as they desperately watch for life. It is the only one thing we know for sure when the balloon pops in our face.

So, this morning I find myself encouraged by the only One who can deliver encouragement. I find myself hopeful in the Anchor of my life. I've been extended peace by the Prince of peace. There might be an overcast arch instead of a beautiful sunrise in these circumstances, but God is still painting so there will be beauty. And no matter what the outcome, God never puts the brush down. The beauty of Chris’ life will go on either on earth or in Heaven – just a thin veil separates the two. The Lord truly is all we have, and it IS best to just wait…wait on healing…wait on His will…wait on the ultimate freedom for us all on this earth. We are just passing through this world to discover the incredible colors of our eternal home. And God, in His unfailing love and compassion, will walk with us through each hour of each day. There is always a sunrise up ahead.

I know that many of you have lifted Chris up in prayer as well as everyone involved, and I thank God for every one of you. So please continue to join me in my prayer for Chris, his precious family and my family. I covet your powerful prayers. And never forget…our Father is our watchman, our rear guard and our forever hope. Great are you Lord and great is your faithfulness!

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