Monday, August 24, 2020

Partially Known

 Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely.” 1 Corinthians 13:12

Yesterday was a day for which I had been waiting for 5 ½ months…returning to church. March 15th was the last time I was at my church worshipping God and standing shoulder to shoulder with fellow worshippers. On that day, the large worship center was dark while the stage was lit up with bright colors…the worship band performing with joyful enthusiasm…the silhouette of raised arms. Not one second on that day did I ever foresee it being the last day I would be at church for this length of time. I wasn’t really aware until yesterday of the degree for which I have missed corporate worship. As we pulled into the parking lot, I was overwhelmed by the view of the asphalt peppered with chairs and people ready for worship. Tears filled my eyes and excitement flooded my spirit. With masks on and chairs ready to plant we found a spot to sit. As my eyes met many other sets of eyes, I had to refrain from running up and hugging each one. It wasn’t allowed… it wasn’t time…it wasn’t an option. But for yesterday, it was enough. As I scanned the crowd, I waved at people I hadn’t seen in so long. It was a wonderful time and a powerful sermon. As we got into our car, I just sat there and was so grateful for our experience. Although it wasn’t the full experience it was in part enough for now. And then it dawned on me…yesterday was like peeking into heaven.

One day I will open my eyes to a great corporate worship experience…one that will never end. With unmasked faces I will see my daddy across the garden and I will run into his arms. With arms raised high I will worship God, my face to His face. The colors will be electric and the music will be nothing like I’ve heard before. I will sneak up on my sister tending to her beautiful flowers like on earth and hug her neck. As I inhale the air, there will be an amazing aroma which will be the fragrance of Christ. With nothing held back, I can give everything I am to everyone around me and receive it in return. It will be amazing…it will be fully known to me…it will be complete! Then I shall know in full what I only know in part right now.  It brings me such comfort to know the joy my beloved family members are experiencing in heaven.

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