Monday, February 7, 2022

Rock-a-bye Baby

“Therefore... I will lead her into the wilderness and speak tenderly to her.” Hosea 2:14

This past weekend we went to my daughter and son-in-law’s home for Bruce to remove a dead tree in their front yard. My son-in-law had arranged for three of his best friends to come over and help cut the wood up and haul it to the back yard. Their wives and dogs came with them and were hanging out inside with my daughter, granddaughter, and their two dogs. When I walked in the four dogs began barking and jumping on me and the girls began welcoming me. It was quite the chaotic scene as you would imagine which would transpire in any home. My granddaughter Emry was sitting on the floor in the middle of this and was letting her voice be known. She became out of sorts, started screaming, and began crying. I’m not sure if she even knew why she was so unhappy. My daughter, Caroline had a business call and I was going to take Emry to her nursery and spend time with her. I grabbed a warm bottle of milk, her blanket, and headed back to her room closing the door behind me. Suddenly we were alone in a quiet room without the noise and competing circumstances. I began to rock her...feed her...sing to her in her dimly lit bedroom. It was just as much a joy for me to see her calm, peaceful, happy, and content as it was for her to experience it.

That is what God does for us. He sees us in the middle of our earthly chaos, recognizes that we need something for which we are even unaware, and picks us up taking us out of the noise to fellowship with us. He leads us into the still of the quiet if we will simply allow Him to carry us. He speaks to us in the whisper of the calm and tends to our every need. We spend that coveted time alone with Him away from the world and its noise. We forget what was stirring us up and remember that our Father can calm us down. We feel heard, we feel held, we feel comforted, and mostly we feel completely loved.

The next time chaos is swirling around you and you don’t even know what you need, reach up for the Father and allow Him to carry you to a quiet place where only He can comfort you.

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