Saturday, May 31, 2008

Replacing Your Mountain With Faith

Through daily fellowship with God any mountain we face God has the power to weaken, change or be removed if we claim His promise and clothe ourselves with faith in Christ. We too will be credited with righteousness. When situations in life seem to be losing its pulse claim your faith and remember God’s promise. “… the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as they were.” (Romans 4:17) (NIV) How glorious is this promise that transcends beyond the scope of the natural world! God replaces hopelessness with divine faithfulness and fear with uncompromising promise. What greater right can we adopt for our life that is as dependable as God’s through shared fellowship?

What situation in your life seems to be losing its pulse weakening your spirit?

Write a prayer to God asking Him to remove this mountain and give your faith new life through this experience.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Warrior or Worshipper?

"Now when Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in his hand. Joshua went up to him and asked, 'Are you for us or for our enemies? 'Neither,' he replied, 'but as commander of the army of the LORD I have now come.' Then Joshua fell facedown to the ground in reverence, and asked him, 'What message does my LORD have for his servant?'"

Many times in our lives when we face battles we go into warrior mode. Such was the case when Joshua was preparing for war against Jericho. He was promised by God that the victory was already his before the battle was fought. Joshua was ready and willing to charge into the city and take it! Due to his own over zealous attitude he didn't even recognize the leader who God sent. Thankfully, Joshua was immediately convicted of who this leader was and the part he was to play in the victory due to the fact Joshua was surrendered to God's spirit. When we face adversity do we charge in not recognizing God's way but apply our own battle strategies or do we fall face down and worship God and submit to His strategies?

There are definately seasons for both - the difference is being surrendered enough to recognize which role God will summon.

Is God using you to fight a battle as a warrior right now or has He led you to be a worshipper and wait on Him?

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Invitation to Salvation

“That if you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved…Everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved” Romans 10:9-13.

The words written above is an invitation to salvation for everyone. As all of us are aware, God moves through all experiences in our lives in all seasons. The invitation is for all without exception. If you sincerely prayed the prayer to receive the unearned and undeserved gift of salvation, God has already granted you grace and eternal life through Christ. Get in the Bible daily, meditate on His word and spend time in prayer with Him. Day by day, He will reveal both His will and purpose for your life.

Did you receive Christ as your Lord and Savior today?

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Boasting in the Lord

THURSDAY, MAY 15, 2008 05:53 AM, EDT
"Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weakness, in insults, hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong" 2 Corinthians 12:9b-10.

How has God shown His power in your weakness? Here goes mine:

My daughter celebrated her four years of sobriety yesterday. She was entrenched in a life of drug addiction and now enjoys a beautiful Spirit-filled and drug free life. I was extremely weak for many years and only through God did He carry me through this experience. It wasn't until I surrendered her back to her real Father in Heaven and took my hands off of the situation that He began a powerful work in her. As I told her yesterday, everything I wanted for her was so much less than what He did through her darkness. I am so thankful that God didn't give me the status quo life for her that I imagined based on my own knowledge but instead gave her the life He wanted for her which surpassed all of my understanding. Through our weakness He was made strong! I share a poem with you that my precious Grandmother Miller wrote in her book, Pilgrimage to the Promised Land.

As children bring their broken toys
With tears for us to mend,
I brought my broken dreams to God
Because He was my friend.
But then instead of leaving Him
In peace to work alone
I hung around and tried to help
With ways that were my own.
At last I snatched them back and cried,
“How can you be so slow?”
“My child,” He said, “What could I do?
You never did let go.”

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Enduring the Encounter

“Bless is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him” James 1:12.

James was the half brother of Christ and he also had to watch his sibling suffer. Christ's suffering was the greatest act of love on record for He suffered for those past, present and future persons who would have the choice to reject Him. James speaks of endurance and perseverance first hand being the brother of Jesus yet he sees the benefits - the crown of life! James recognized that all will be called to endure during trials - to stand the test.

My sweet sister begins chemo today in an effort to shrink her aggressive cancer. Although Beth has the cancer we must ask ourselves, "What part of this experience am I to take to the Lord for His revelations to me?" Trials occur to everyone and the pain from the suffering is never wasted for God has a plan in all suffering to bring us closer to Him.

What is God trying to reveal to you in this season?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Believers Prayer

In Acts 4:28-30 we find Peter and John in prayer while Herod and Pontius Pilate are deciding the fate of Jesus. Funny, how His fate had already been decided from the onset of Creation! God used Herod and Pontius Pilate to bring about His will just as God uses "vessels of suffering" to bring about His will in our lives. Peter and John called upon God and ackowledged that this was His will but also petititoned God to perform miraculous signs in the name of His precious Son, Jesus. Many times in the Bible miracles were granted because of the condition of the petitioner's heart and belief in the ability of Christ. Remember, Christ is Lord of everything or Lord of nothing!

During our pain and suffering do you acknowledge that this season is God's will and do you really believe He is in control of everything? Based on the petition of the Believers Prayer (Acts 4:28-30) do you have the active and complete faith that God can work "miraculous signs and wonders" in your present season of suffering?

Monday, May 5, 2008

Walking by Faith.

"We walk by faith, not by sight." 2 Corinthians 5:7.

A short verse with a powerful punch! I praise God this morning that He is more than what we see Him to be in our limited perception of Him. To walk is to follow a path continuously until we reach an intended destination. Along our walk our destination is not in sight but we know by faith we will eventually arrive. Our pilgrimage towards God is the same way. If we are allowing Him by our faith to lead our walk He will guide us to that perfect destination. If we keep our sights on Him we will always walk by faith. During this season our limited sight shows extreme challenges but the choice to walk by faith instead of sight is one that God both blesses and rewards. God has both elected and ordained this season to bring Him the most glory. Thank God for being so much more than our perception. Only through suffering can we see certain aspects of God! Remember, the presence of Light illuminates more brightly in the dark!

What does your view show in your life today? What is your perception of God in your present trials?

Sunday, May 4, 2008


I have created this blogspot to interact with fellow travelers in this life. Presently, my family is traveling through the valley of deep suffering. My dad has Prostrate Cancer and my sister was diagnosed with Bile Duct Cancer. In an effort to claim God's promises of peace and comfort I drench myself daily in His word and obtain the eternal calm needed for that day alone which I hope to share with others who are facing their own mountains of fear and hopelessness.

He will provide the sufficient amount of mercy day by day if I am faithful in seeking Him through His word and through fellowship with Him.