Thursday, October 30, 2014

Unauthorized Fire

Aaron’s sons…took their censers, put fire in them and added incense; and they offered unauthorized fire before the LORD, contrary to his command…So fire came out and consumed them, and they died…” Leviticus 10:1-2.

Next to Moses and Aaron, none were more likely to be honorable in Israel than Nadab and Abihu. There is reason to think that they were puffed up with pride, and that they were heated with wine. While the people were prostrate before the Lord, adoring his presence and glory, they rushed into the tabernacle to burn incense, though not at the appointed time; both together, instead of one alone, and with fire not taken from the altar’ Bible Gateway.  In considering this commentary I was struck with the phrase ‘unauthorized fire.’  These men no doubt would have known the proper protocol when approaching God.  They were chosen by God to succeed their father, Aaron had they lived.  (Ex 24:1) 

So what happened?  Were they drunk and lost both self-control and reverence to God as one of my commentary states?  Were they dissatisfied with their temporary position feeling like they deserved a higher standing in their work?  Did they lose sight that all positions come from God and He determines worth and value?  How different are we when considering our own lives?  We cannot rush into God’s dwelling place and compromise our fellowship by entitlement and pride…unauthorized fire.  We must approach Him in deep reverence and humility accepting that He alone determines our position in life, not us.  We must build our lives around Him instead of expecting Him to build His life around ours.  We cannot come to Him with a sense of entitlement, but with the acknowledgement that everything from Him is a good and perfect gift (James 1:17).  When we see ourselves against the backdrop of the cross we will have a more humble view of who we are in Christ.  If only Aaron’s sons would have taken their authorized steps instead of following their thoughts on what position they esteemed for themselves.  If only they would have been part of the people who were worshiping the Lord’s presence and glory instead of moving apart from the people to bolster themselves.  May we worship God in the purest of ways…our spirit to His. 

Spiritual worship comes from our very core and is fueled by an awesome reverence and desire for God.  Spiritual worship is focusing all we are on all He is…It is the incomparable expression of both awe and affection for God.  And it is one of the highest privileges we can experience on this earth.’ A Woman’s Heart – God’s Dwelling Place; Beth Moore p. 121

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