Friday, September 4, 2020

Glam and Glitter

All that glitters is not gold” William Shakespeare

When Kristen was around 4-years-old she was drawn to the most extravagant (sometimes tacky) displays when we would go shopping. She would always say, ‘Look Mommy…bue-tee-full!” One day I remember well. We were in Belk and walked past a mannequin who was dressed in glam and glitter. Kristen couldn’t take her eyes off the plastic woman who was adorned with jewelry and fancy clothes. We kept walking and stopped at the next department. I turned my head for a moment and when I looked back Kristen was gone. I was alarmed at first but then I remembered the mannequin who was dressed to the nines. Before I got to her, I heard Kristen crying and calling my name. I sped up only to find her holding the mannequin’s arm in her hands. Kristen had reached up and tried to hold the hand of the plastic figure and the arm detached from its trunk. I remembered this event yesterday as I was walking and Shakespeare's quote came to mind.

I began recalling the ways over the years I have reached for the hand of something I deemed as glitter. More times than not I was left with an ‘inanimate plastic arm’ in my hands with tears running down my face. My glitter beckoned me…image... secret spending…deception…pursuing approval…all glitter that was not gold! We can be so much like my little girl was at that age as we see things that we must have…things we think we cannot live without…things that are pleasing to the eyes…things that lure us away from God. God may allow us to wander off but His eyes never leave us. He knows right where we are at every moment and the things that tug at our desires. 

What is your glitter? Is it power…status…wealth…a promotion? Is it the shimmering promise of being accepted or the participation of gossiping? Sometimes glitter is a liar and will draw us in to attitudes and decisions that are anything but gold. God’s word has defined even better than gold in our lives. 1 Peter 1:7 explains that ‘the tested genuineness of our faith – more precious than gold – may be found to result in praise and glory and honor…’ Adversity produces lasting and authentic faith which will bring praise and glory to God. These are things we are to run after…to take hold of…to embody and embrace. I am so thankful that temporary glitter isn’t gold and that God offers us a better pursuit…a pursuit of excellence and righteousness.

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above…Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden in Christ in God.” Colossians 3:1-2

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