Monday, September 21, 2020

Make Ready our Chariots

 So Joseph made ready his chariot and went up…to meet his father…and fell on his neck and wept on his neck a good while.” Genesis 47:29

I cannot imagine Joseph’s emotions as he was waiting on the arrival of his dad. Joseph had waited 22 years for this reunion. I am confident over the years he daydreamed of the moment he would see his father’s face again. In thinking about his life, I imagine that on his wedding day there was a void in his heart because of the absence of his father. Who did he tell on the day he realized he himself was going to be a father? How many nights was his pillow wet longing to hug his dad’s neck one more time? While in prison, did his imagination drift to memories as a young teenager enjoying the favor of his father? I cannot even begin to comprehend his level of emotions as he was making ready his chariot.  ‘After more than 22 years of suffering, prosperity, and waiting – a lot of waiting – it was time to be reunited with his beloved father.Finding God Faithful, Kelly Minter, p. 156. 

My pondering leads my heart to my own father who has been in a distant land called Heaven for over 10 years. Things in my own life have happened that made me long to talk to him. There have been great celebrations and tough challenges over the past 10 years from which I wish I could have received his comfort and guidance. Many mornings on my patio I recall the fun memories of a long life together with him. But I sit here this morning encouraged and reminded that I too am making ready my chariot. Each day with Christ is a day closer to my reunion with Daddy. Christ is my chariot that I will ride in all the way home one day. But there is work to do on earth that God in heaven has assigned each of us. He lays out opportunities to participate with Him in Kingdom work. He equips us and infuses His power into our callings to accomplish His great will. We ready our chariots by serving God in all areas of our lives. We ready our chariots by reflecting the image of God and allowing transformation in our hearts to be more like Christ. We ready our chariots by being living testimonies of God’s amazing grace.

Just like Joseph, I look forward to the day when I step down from my chariot and reach up to hug my dad’s neck. I’ll never want to let him go and I never will have to. That day is also coming for you so ready your chariot every day in anticipation of the glorious reunions up ahead.

"Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart..." Ecclesiastes 3:11

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