Friday, July 30, 2021

Interrupting the Spiral

“He says, ‘Be still, and know that I am God’” Psalm 46:10.

Last Sunday while sitting in church listening to a sermon on humility the most powerful thing occurred. One of our pastors was delivering the message and seemingly needed a moment to gather his thoughts. He is an incredible speaker and never uses notes but, on this morning, he paused the message to personally speak to us. He admitted that his thoughts and emotions were suddenly filled with anxiety. He suggested that we stop and pray so that the Lord could settle in his spirit to continue bringing the message to us. As a full worship center of people joined him in prayer, I could barely contain myself from sobbing. You could hear the whisperings of different people lifting their individual prayers for him. You could hear the sniffling of the congregation realizing that the very topic of the message was being exemplified by the speaker. I don’t know what the chatter sounded like in his head prior to the prayer, but I know what power was revealed in our church…on that stage…in our hearts after the prayer. Without our pastor’s true humility God’s power would not have had the beautiful vessel through which to travel.

Humility is impossible unless we quiet the chatter and the noise and sit with Jesus. Silence, in itself, is the most basic and intimate form of humility. We lay down everything and just stop…We recognize our spirals and naming them is the first step to interrupting them. That’s why the enemy wants to fill our lives and our heads and our hearts with noise. Because silence with God is the beginning of every victory.Get Out of Your Head, Jennie Allen, p. 62.

There has never been a truer statement that ‘Silence is golden’ than when our silence is a result of our stillness with God. Silence ushers in praise, prayer, and power. It teaches us the person of God and fills our lives with the benefits from God such as peace, calm, wisdom, and weapons against the tempter.

When we are our most exposed and vulnerable God is His most powerful and faithful.

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