Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The Divine Echo

“Then God said, ‘Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness.’ Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man." Genesis 1:26, 2:7, 2:22

I have had such a precious month getting to know my new granddaughter, Emry Rose. It had been 13 years since held a grandchild as a baby. It has been such a privilege to watch my older grandchildren grow and mature into the image of their parents. As I search every detail of Emry’s little face, I see reflections of both my daughter and son-in-law. I see tendencies of both personalities. I see the outflow of the love they both are pouring into this tiny human from the beginning. Seeing her is also seeing the goodness and love of them.
In a way we are like Emry as people look at us. They search us to see who we reflect… the world or the One who breathed life into us. Like Emry we pour out what has been poured into us. We reflect the personalities and attitudes of what we have spent most time in the presence of. As the daughter of my parents, I have not forgotten one day who I am in that regard. As their daughter, I have never forgotten how much I am loved and I see how much I am like them. So how is it that we forget who we are in God when the challenges of life find us? When things are so difficult sometimes the easiest thing to do is to remember the simple truth…I am loved by God…I am God’s chosen child…I am a reflection of His greatness. Just as Emry has been made in the image of God and the reflection of her parents, we were made to reflect God’s image.
We aren’t just dust and bone. We aren’t what we’ve done or what’s been done to us. We aren’t the worst of what others have said about us. We are the very breath and touch of God. Designed and loved by God. A reflection of the glory and goodness of God… Remember who you are. This is the Divine Echo.’ Seeing Beautiful Again, Lysa TerKeurst, p. 192

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