Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Braced with Grace

“Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months and then returned home.” Luke 1:56

I have just begun using the Life Application New Testament Commentary and have stumbled upon a treasure chest full of relics! In the back of this commentary is a portion called Harmony of the Gospels which combines the verses of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John placing them in chronological order regarding the life of Christ. This view gives a better understanding of the timeline that unfolded regarding the events leading up to the birth of Jesus. Some of the gospels include similar testimonies but many times events in the life of Christ were not recorded in all four gospels. Such is the case with our sweet Mary, mother of Jesus Christ.

This humble little girl was believed to be around thirteen years old when the angel, Gabriel, came to her with the message that she would be miraculously impregnated with the Son of God. Being engaged to Joseph, custom mandated that she live apart from him for one year. Engagements in that time were similar to our marriage vows. The only way a betrothal or engagement could be broken was by divorce or death. This engagement lasted one year wherein the girl lived with her parents to ensure purity. At the end of the year, the couple’s union would be consummated and they would be considered married. Divorce could certainly be granted if the woman had participated in sexual intimacy prior to the completed year. ‘Still Mary said, despite the risks, “May everything you have said come true.” She took the risk of faith, for she knew that God was asking her to serve him.’ Commentary, p. 245. Upon her obedience and acceptance of God’s call she was told by Gabriel that her cousin, Elizabeth was also pregnant as a result of God’s grace. ‘Gabriel gave Mary a person to whom she should go for support during what could prove to be a difficult time for Mary as she humbly fulfilled God’s will.’ Commentary, p. 245.

My commentary goes on to report that she immediately left on foot alone for Elizabeth’s home which was between 50 – 75 miles away. Upon her arrival, everything God had said came to be and was confirmed by Elizabeth. Mary stayed with Elizabeth for three months as her belly swelled while Joseph remained in Nazareth unaware. My commentary states that Mary was even more strengthened in her faith by Elizabeth’s faith, and departed ready to face everything her future would hold.

Why do I tell you all of these details? The details will keep us all encouraged in the truth that, while God may call us to do difficult things, He paves the road of preparation with daily grace and growth to walk out His will. He builds our faith and prepares our hearts for facing future difficulties. By the time we must face the fire, we have been ‘braced with grace.’ God surrounded Mary with a person’s faith that would encircle her faith and build her up. How many times must she have rehearsed in her mind that inevitable conversation she would have with Joseph. Her journey back to facing her giants was met with God’s preparation and faithfulness. We journey from Luke’s account to Matthew’s account which states ‘An angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream… “Do not be afraid to go ahead with your marriage…For the child within her has been conceived by the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 1:20.

You will never walk out God’s will having to calculate the next move. He is already at that place and has already supplied the grace! May it be to me as you have said, Lord.

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