Thursday, February 23, 2012

Gates That Never Break

“They laid its beams and put its doors and bolts and bars in place.” Nehemiah 3

Throughout the third chapter, the concentration on where they began the rebuilding of the walls around Jerusalem is obvious. Jerusalem would eventually be fortified with walls but the crucial work began with accesses into the city, the gates. Jerusalem had many gates which led into and out of the city. Securing the gates first was crucial as they marked entry points where the enemy’s assaults were always concentrated. Houses were built both around these gates and into the walls which supported these gates. ‘Nehemiah assigned sections of the wall to those whose houses were located in that section; thus they had a greater interest in performing their work well.’ The Applied Old Testament Commentary, p. 757.

As the Body of Christ we have a part in building the church and protecting what it stands for in our culture. The enemy has entered into the region, torn down the walls and has too much access, too many gates. Just as the wall around Jerusalem, we all have a part in rebuilding the wall around Christianity. God gave us this awesome responsibility in His word. ‘Now you are the Body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.’ 1 Co. 12:27.

We are called to work on our spiritual gates as it is the access Satan has into our mind and hearts. What are we allowing into our hearts and minds through the gates of television or inappropriate conversation? What hinges of bitterness or selfishness are rusting and losing strength in our attempts to protect the Body of Christ? What access are we giving the enemy who is lingering around the gates for the perfect opportunity?

Through our adversities God is trying to fortify our gates and strengthen our testimonies. In the time of Nehemiah, he gave each man the gate closest to his home to repair and monitor. The gate that God assigned me is a grief ministry, and He uses my past suffering for others to rebuild their hearts which are in disrepair. In this ministry I am surrounded by torn down hearts and broken dreams. He has used my daughter who has overcome addiction to sponsor and encourage other women to rebuild their walls of dignity and a life of sobriety.

It doesn’t matter what our adversity has been, God will use it as access for others. ‘All these different people were working together with one purpose in mind: to rebuild the wall. So it is among Christians. Our one overriding purpose is to build up the church of Christ and to make disciples of all nations. And Christ has assigned to each of us our own ‘section of the wall.’ The Applied Old Testament Commentary, p. 757.

We will all suffer outside the gate until we enter the Gates of Heaven. Even Jesus knew what it was like to suffer outside the gate. 'And so Jesus also suffered outside the city gates to make the people holy through his own blood...Let us, then, go to him...For here we do not have an enduring city, but we are looking for the city that has to come.' Hebrews 13:1

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