Thursday, June 13, 2013

Dancing In The Dark

For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God created in advance for us to do” Eph. 2:10.

Before the controversial issues surrounding Michael Jackson, there were amazing gifts… incredible music…unbelievable dancing…unimaginable success.  That young man was the epitome of talent.  One of my favorite Michael Jackson videos was the Billy Jean video.  Today in my Bible Study I learned that the producer of the video had to pull Michael aside and plead with him to reign in one of his greatest gifts…dancing.  He could only dance onto the squares that had been predetermined and prewired to light up, and if he danced on any other squares they would fail to illuminate.  Michael knew the success of the video was predetermined based on the discipline of his movement.

God has given every one of us a gift in serving Him and accomplishing the work He predetermined for us to accomplish.  We were all prewired to follow the path that He set before us.  As we walk in His guidance He will show us where we are to walk that will best illuminate His glory.  He may ask us to reign in our gifts from time to time, allowing both His perfect timing and circumstances to align for our brightest performance.  When we do not follow the steps He lights up for us, we find ourselves in the dark tapping our feet and exerting useless energy.  The video is running but we are not doing our part in dancing on the right squares.  If we fail to step upon the squares that God meant for us, how will His glory illuminate through our lives?  God is the producer of our lives and the script of our movement is in His word.

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path’ Psalm 119:105.

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