Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Spiritual Presumptions

After a little while, those standing near said to Peter, ‘Surely you are one of them…” Mark 14:70.

While the ministry of Jesus attracted many followers Peter was one of the closest to Jesus, possessing an incredible passion for Him and getting out His message.  Peter was both powerful and public about his love for his teacher and his loyalty for his friend.  But on one dark and scary evening his fear surpassed his passion and his lips denied his Savior.  It is written that Peter had departed the company of Jesus and was standing around a fire warming his hands no doubt.  In three separate conversations he had the opportunity to not only proclaim the name of Jesus as a follower but to share the message of Jesus.  Fear won that night and those standing near who could have learned about a Savior did not.  We never hear about these unnamed people again and whether they made it to heaven. 

So in considering that dark night so long ago I am wondering this morning have things changed.    Every day we are surrounded with people, both known and unknown to us.  We are surrounded by people at work who may know Jesus but maybe they do not.  How would we know?  How would they know that we are followers?  Are we vocal with our love for Christ and public with our passion?  Or like Peter, do we hope to blend in warming up to those around us not setting ourselves apart? 

I remember one time I had the opportunity to share the message with someone and I missed my chance.  I allowed the lump in my throat to choke out my message and fear won that day.  My response was similar to Peter’s, ‘And he broke down and wept’ Mark 14:72.  We cannot make spiritual presumptions that those standing near are saved and have a personal relationship with Christ. God places us in strategic places to share His gospel and spread the spiritual revival needed in our workplace, communities, cities and states.  If we stand by and miss these opportunities to witness and share God’s eternal plan it could mean life and death for another.  What if we were the only person to share the love of God with someone at work?  What if we were their only bridge to faith?  We must push through whatever emotions are at work in our hearts…fear…embarrassment…pride.

They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him.’ Titus 1:16  

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