Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Spiritual La-Z-Boys

For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” Mark 10:45 (ESV).

I was doing my Bible Study this morning when the author used the phrase spiritual La-Z-Boys.  I can’t think of a better phrase that lends us a powerful image when considering our spiritual service.  We shop around in this old world looking for ease and comfort.  We decide to accept Christ in hopes of attaining a good life.  We settle in to a life filled with Christian principles with do’s and don’ts.  We become very at ease in our lives and give ourselves to the work of God as it appeals to us. 

But what happens when we do more than just accept Christ for our salvation?  What happens when we allow ourselves to accept Christ as our life?  The Bible shouts of sharing in the suffering and work of Jesus.  The Bible never promises that this world will be easy but promises we will be comforted in our suffering.  We were never meant to jump up in our spiritual chairs and recline, waiting on some appealing type of service to find us. What does spiritual laziness look like today in our world?  It is only praying to God when you need something…it is only serving when it’s appealing and convenient…it is only sharing when it’s comfortable.  We have been called to more than comfort in the flesh…we have been called to abandon the flesh and walk in the love and work of Christ.  For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another” Gal. 5:13.

If Jesus waited until something appealing came along, the cross would be empty and we would be eternally doomed.  Jesus came with one thing in mind…to serve you and to serve me through losing His life.  What on earth could motivate us more to get out of our spiritual chairs, step out of our earthly selfishness and serve with the same zeal our Savior served for us. 

What crosses are we leaving empty?

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