Friday, May 2, 2014

Up-Drafts of the Holy Spirit

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in You" Isaiah 26:2-4.

This morning in my Bible Study I read a convicting statement referring to our times of trouble and despair. Author and Dr. Sam Peeples, once wrote, ‘The circumstances of life, the events of life, and the people around me in life, do not make me the way I am, but reveal the way I am.’ It is very easy to determine a person’s steadfastness when the storms of life appear. Those people who seem to operate above their circumstances are those who are rooted in the Lord. Others who focus on the situation will be tossed about by the onslaught of challenges. We are promised peace if we will seek God in all we do. When we devote our mind and heart to Him daily we are promised the only peace that this world offers…His peace…perfect peace.

We must take this day and determine will we bend or will we break? Will we be seen as people who are walking out our inheritance of peace granted by the Prince of Peace? How we respond in tough circumstances is usually the by-product of how we pursue God in the calm times. We are all called to be Isaiah 40:31 people who because we hope in the Lord will have ‘renewed strength…will soar on wings like eagles…will run and not grow weary…will walk and not be faint.’ An interesting fact about eagles is that in order for them to soar they use rising currents of warm air and up-drafts. Soaring is accomplished with very little wing-flapping, enabling them to conserve energy.

We have the privilege and provision of the up-drafts of the Holy Spirit to carry us above our suffering and pain. When we focus on our circumstances instead of God we will approach each day and every situation with a panicked and wing-flapping spirit. Today let us make the decision to pursue God with all of our hearts, and climb up on the back of our Divine Eagle, soaring above our circumstances.

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