Friday, November 3, 2017

Though Our Dreams Tarry...

The vision is yet for the appointed time; it hastens toward the goal and it will not fail.  Though it tarries, wait for it; for it will certainly come, it will not delay.” Habakkuk 2:3.

Delays…yuck!  Nobody likes them and yet we all must experience them.  In the Bible one of the longest delays was the pregnancy of Elizabeth and Zechariah.  The Bible says that were advanced in years and Elizabeth had been barren, unable to conceive.  How heartbreaking that month by month, year by year, decade upon decade their house felt empty…quiet…broken.  And yet, just as our verse beckons us in our delays, they waited for it…and the appointed time came!  ‘The intersection of the baby’s life with the divine purposes would be instrumental in the coming of the Messiah.  Elizabeth wasn’t too old.  God wasn’t too late.  The timing was right.  In fact, it was perfect.  Every single delay, even every single disappointment, had been for a reason.’  Discerning the Voice of God, Priscilla Shirer, p. 151.

I believe it was 2005 and our pastor provided a piece of paper to each of us during the sermon.  It was a place where we were to write a prayer item that would be the anchor for our fast that week.  I can’t even remember what I wrote down because my mind and heart were distracted by anxieties regarding one of my children.  Anxieties stemming from choices they were making, and fear for their future circumstances.  Without much thought I jotted down something arbitrary (not sure why it wouldn’t have been what was on my mind), and began making my way to the altar to lay it down.  The closer I got the more I felt the Lord pulling me to my knees.  By the time I reached the altar I fell to my knees and began crying uncontrollably about my child.  (Granted this was not an altar time for prayer).  At first, I felt embarrassed to be on my knees crying in front of close to 1000 people, but God quietened my spirit.  His words fell upon my heart with an astounding voice, ‘Brenda, take care of my children, and I will take care of yours.’  I have never forgotten that day and I will never forget that promise.  Every time I serve to help another, I picture God serving either Kristen, Michael or Caroline.  Each time I pray with someone, I can just see Christ interceding and speaking to God about them.  There have been many beautiful promises fulfilled on behalf of my children since that day which I am so grateful.  For every fulfilled promise, it has anchored this truth:  I can trust that everything that flows into the lives of my family are conduits through which God will grow and bless them.  I have many goals for my children that are ‘yet for the appointed time’.  And ‘though they tarry, I will wait…for they will certainly come…they will not delay.’

What visions do you hold in your heart that is yet for the appointed time?  What goal do you have that feels like it will never be reached?  Are you like Elizabeth waiting on that positive reading?  Are you wearied from searching for employment?  Are you lonely and feel as if a relationship will never happen?  Are you tired of waking each morning with the heaviness of grief for a loved one who has passed over into the glorious land of God?  Though your dreams may tarry and linger, God hasn’t forgotten your prayers.  He completely understands what you want and what you need.  He is working in every hour to weave the thread that will hold it all together and bring it to fruition, creating a beautiful story.  Wait for it...believe in it...wait for Him and trust that He will either fulfill your dream or realign your heart for something even more beautiful. 

Your petition has been heard…” Luke 1:13.

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