Monday, November 12, 2018

Stuck in the Nostalgia of Yesteryear

I have loved you,” says the LORD. “Yet you say, ‘How have You loved us?’” Malachi 1:2a
The people of God were experiencing consequences regarding their apathetic relationship with God. Instead of walking in obedience and humbling gratitude that they were no longer slaves in Babylon they were stuck in the nostalgia of yesteryear. They wanted things back the way they were before Babylon attacked and disrupted everything in their lives. They couldn’t even be thankful for what God was doing for them in their present season because they couldn’t get out of their minds a previous season. Instead of praising and thanking God for their blessings and favor they utter the most irreverent and sarcastic question... ‘How have you loved us?’

Are we any different today? Every single one of us can think back on a time of complete joy before our crisis hit. When life as we knew it was certainly a kinder and gentler set of circumstances. But just like the invasion of Babylon, we are invaded by a medical diagnosis…we are invaded by a betrayed relationship… we are invaded by unemployment...invasions that come in many forms. I know in the past I have had an attitude in my prayers of ‘How have you loved me?’ while trying to resolve heartbreaking circumstances. I have looked around to see seemingly perfect seasons for others while my season was far from it. I would quickly try to dismiss my thought of ‘Look how You have loved them.’ The one who coined that phrase is the one who whispers in our ear…Satan. Since the Garden of Eden mankind has had to grapple with their belief between God’s promise of love and Satan’s antagonist sarcasm of God’s lack of love.

Change is inevitable but trusting God through it is a choice.’ The Faithful – Heroes of the Old Testament, Lisa Harper, p.142. I know the more deeply I pursue God the more confident I am about His character. I remind myself of the ways He has loved me, and it always replaces any negative or ungrateful thoughts. Choosing to trust God when things don’t seem lovely is to make an intentional effort to recall all the goodness God has done. When we keep His faithfulness and sacrificial love in the forefront of our minds and in the deep recesses of our hearts, we will be able to hush the whispers of the enemy. We can replace our questions of uncertainty with proclamations of God’s faithfulness.

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