Monday, December 16, 2019

Reclining with Jesus

The greatest blessing of all is to be at the banquet in God’s kingdom.” Luke 14:15

It sure is easy to take such a celebratory holiday and mix in a little sadness for those who will not be with us. In thinking back over my sister Beth’s last Christmas, I hosted the gathering with over 25 people. I remember looking from my kitchen down into the dining area. As Beth sat there at the dining room table with little strength but still great beauty, I watched her smile continuously throughout the evening. Occasionally I would see her leaning on Paul’s shoulder as if it took her entire strength to sit upright. Her walk was nothing less than inspirational, and her courage and fight gave us permission to hope and embrace. Eleven years later as I am preparing to host the same wonderful people, my mind turns to Heaven as they are preparing for their celebration of the birth of Jesus. As I set my table this year, I can see Beth setting Heaven’s. There is a long banquet table with all her favorite culinary offerings, and she places her name card right between Daddy and Christ. She glances down to the end of the table and flashes a smile to Grandmother and Granddaddy Miller. She shoots the peace sign to her cousins who are approaching. She watches and listens as the angels perform their beautiful symphonies of praise. But instead of leaning on someone’s shoulder for strength, she is reclining against Jesus in full health and devoted love.

When I think of my precious family who will be sitting around the birthday table in Heaven on December 25th, I remember what my grandmother said when my granddaddy died. I asked her how she was doing so well without him and her answer still warms my heart. She said, ‘Brenda, your granddaddy just got up from one side of the table of Jesus and moved to the other side.’ As we prepare for our Christmas celebrations, I am thankful that I have that image in my mind of our loved ones celebrating the same Christ from the other side of the table.  "Earth has no sorrow that Heaven can't heal." Come as You Are, David Crowder

“...the disciple who Jesus loved, was reclining next to him.” John 13:23

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