Wednesday, March 10, 2021

ELM - Anywhere But Here

Arise, go to Zarephath…and stay there.” 1 Kings 17:9a

When my daughter was entrenched in her lifestyle of drugs, my goal for each day was to operate within my life incognito, anonymous, and isolated. Her life was a very public journey in a small community which triggered every insecurity I had ever thought about having in my life. I would not only choose certain times to go in public, but I would drive outside of the community to accomplish most simple errands. My heart was shot and so was my confidence as a young mother. I wanted to be anywhere but here.

I hear of another woman who went out of her way and community to meet her daily needs. She ran her errands where she knew she would not be met with rejection, judgment, and the condescending eyes of her peers. She was the Samaritan woman at the well who ‘bumped into Jesus.’ ‘Two facts were unusual about the woman’s actions: (1) she could have gone to a closer well (scholars have identified wells that were closer to Sychar); (2) women generally drew water later in the day, when the temperature was cooler. This woman, whose reputation seems to have been well known in the small town, probably chose the well farther away from home and went at an unusual time.’ Life Application Study Bible, p. 388.

Now I’m confused…is he talking about me or the woman at the well…or maybe he is talking about you. We all carry empty jars within our hearts that we constantly seek refilling. When our circumstances deplete us, we place our jars on the shoulders of others expecting them to fill us up. We go out of our way to find unsustaining water from so many different sources. While it might temporarily quench our thirst, our parched hearts will return to dehydration.

I'm not sure where your 'anywhere but here' is, but I am sure that the only way to move through it is to allow God to work in it. Every emotion matters...every prayer to God matters...every day in your trial matters. ‘When you find yourself in a season of trial, in a station or stage of life where you’re constantly praying those ‘anywhere but here prayers – when you’re about to make one of those ‘anywhere but here’ statements – when you can’t seem to help yourself from thinking another ‘anywhere but here’ thought – allow them to simmer in faith instead.Elijah – Faith and Fire, Priscilla Shirer, p. 92.

Where you are matters and how you respond is crucial in finding life on the other side. I still live in the same community that previously was my ‘anywhere but here’ location. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else and I’m so thankful God kept me here. In hindsight, I would give the same encouragement that Priscilla gives in her study. ‘Stay where you are, lean in, and directly engage this place where God has taken you, despite the discomfort, submitting to the fire in which you will be refined’ P. 91.

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