“Who told you that…?” Gen 3:13b
Since the fall of mankind in the Garden of Eden God has been asking every generation this question. Sin and death were ushered in with a lie from Satan. A bite from the hand of the tempter will never just be a nibble. It will be a bite that eventually becomes an appetite. I know for myself it has been a lifelong struggle to reprogram the lies I brought with the truth God extends. ‘The serpent deceived me, and I ate…’ Gen 3:13b. The lies I digested from him included that I wasn’t smart enough…wasn’t good enough… wasn’t liked enough. He also told me that I would feel better if I just bought something. He told me that there was no need to tell Bruce about certain things. He told me that I didn’t have to forgive and that I was entitled to hold onto my resentment. He told me that being a Christian wasn’t fun enough … I wasn’t worthy enough…I wasn't pure enough. But God waged war in February of 2006 and began asking me this question…Who told you that? Through prayer and meditation, He helped me see that His word runs counter parallel to the lies. He told me that I was smart enough through His wisdom. He told me that I was good enough because Christ was great. He reminded me to forgive as I was forgiven. He taught me that honesty begins with a choice and that it should always be on my lips. He showed me that being a Christian is an adventure, so to keep my heart open and to hold the things of this world loosely. He told me that while I have the rest of my life to be transformed, He will provide everything needed until He ushers me home to heaven.
So, I ask you this morning…what lies have you eaten from Satan? Have you tasted the lies that you are unlovable…unforgivable…unemployable? Do you continue to return to the fruit tree of the lie that God is unable to save…unable to grant…unable to forgive...unable to redeem? ‘Who told you that?’ God’s word of truth can undo any lies of Satan. While Satan's power is demonstrated in lies, God’s power is demonstrated in truth. When you are tempted to bite the apple, open the Word and allow God to tell you your worth. I have watched my own children wrestle with the lies of Satan. He cares nothing about the age, the generation, the gender, the race or our origin. He only cares about his selfish pursuit to have us believe everything opposite of who God created us to be. So, if we are going to take a bite, lets open our mouths and eat the life-giving word of God.
“Your words were found and I ate them, And Your words became for me a joy and the delight of my heart; For I have been called by Your name, O LORD God of hosts.” Jeremiah 15:16
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