Monday, December 11, 2017

When Calendars Cry Out

“…and she wrapped Him in cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.” Luke 2:7

We have just had new hardwood floors put in our house, due to water damage in our walls that traced down under the floor.  God was so generous as He provided for this expense through our insurance company.  However, our house is a complete mess!  While everyone’s wall on their facebook is displayed with beautiful Christmas decorations, my pictures are conspicuously absent.  Doors need to be placed back on their hinges…sanding dust needs to be wiped off everything from walls to dishes in cabinets…furniture needs to be moved back…baseboards need to be cut, painted and nailed back down.  I lay awake at night arranging in my head all that needs to be done in the very month when Christmas already crowds my mind and calendar.  So, I ask myself this morning, ‘Will there be room in the inn this year?’ 

We all carry Christ within us just like Mary.  We all are getting ready to celebrate the birth of Christ just like she and Joseph?  We all will wrap the thought of that precious baby Savior up in tender traditions…relational celebrations… culinary experiences…and yes, even moving spiritual observances.  But will we really ‘make room in the inn for the Savior’?  Will we serve somewhere when our calendar is already about to explode?  Will we have room in our hearts to forgive as Christ tells us to forgive?  Will we make room for God to heal our hearts while seeing the empty seats at the holiday table?  Will we allow mercy and grace for others to pull up a chair even if it is an unwanted guest? 

Making room in the inn is to set our gaze on the things that really support the reason for this season… God stepped out of heaven, invaded our earth, and did for us what we could never do for ourselves.  Making room in the inn is to be aware of our surroundings and do for others as Christ does daily for us.  Making room in the inn is to have spiritual eyes for the things that break God’s heart.  It’s to feed where others are hungry…its to invite in when others are lonely…its to share the message of God to a hurting world.   I pray that as I am about to put my house back in order that I will make room for Him in the inn.  I pray that my heart will always display a vacancy sign for His indwelling, and that space will always be made for Him no matter what my calendar screams.

“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. Rev 3:20

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