Monday, December 18, 2017

When Roosters Crow

Immediately, while he was still speaking, a rooster crowed. Then the Lord turned and looked at Peter. So Peter remembered…how he had said to him, ‘Before the rooster crows you will deny me three times.’ And he went outside and wept.” Luke 22:60b-62

Bruce’s mom and dad had this large picture of Jesus that had hung in their den for many years. Personally, it hurt my heart to look at it because Jesus had tears in His eyes and had the most despaired look on His face. When his dad came and lived with us the last year of his life, we hung that picture in the den that we prepared for him. He died near the beginning of 2011 and it wasn’t until last month that I finally found a home for it outside of the family. I offered it to the family first but every single one said ‘No thank you. His eyes are just too sad.’

I can’t even imagine being Peter and facing those eyes in person when Jesus turned and looked at Peter as the rooster was crowing. Peter loved Jesus with a passion like no other. In fact, the night before, Peter proclaimed in front of Jesus and the group, ‘Lord…I’m ready to go with you to prison or to death.’ I believe he really did mean it when he said it. It’s amazing what fear can make you do. Because of fear, what you think you believe in your heart doesn’t end up matching your actions. Because of fear we accept less than instead of waiting on God. Because of fear we say yes to things we might should say no to. I know that there were times when I knew I had grieved the heart of Christ with choices I made. There were times when I said I’m ready to go, but I delayed with my feet. There will certainly be times in all our lives when we will hear our own roosters crow. Times when we feel our faith failure and must face the reality of our consequences. I used to dread consequences when I did things wrong, but now it hurts me more to know I hurt the Lord than any thing else.

But Jesus has a heart bigger than anything on this earth, and a love for us that is unmatched…unparalleled...relentless. His grace for us is unending...inexhaustible...indescribable. He only shows us our failures to propel us to our victories. He only points out the weakness to invite us into His strength. He allows us to feel His sadness to bring us into His joy. In our despair He comforts our hearts…in our fear He extends His courage…in our lack He gives us His provision…in our repentance of sin He offers forgiveness. I love His question to the disciples, and it is the same question He asks us.

“‘When I sent you out…did you lack anything?’ ‘Not a thing’ they said” Luke 22:35.

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