Monday, December 13, 2010

In One Spirit...

“There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men. Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.” 1 Co. 12:4-7

This message was from Paul to the Corinthians to warn them against their spiritual elitism. Some of the Corinthians were maintaining a sense of spiritual superiority based on the fact they had been given the gift of tongues. They acted as if this was the only gift the Holy Spirit enabled creating some division among them. "Paul says here, 'No, your unity is not found in the possession of one common gift, but rather in the possession of the Holy Spirit who is the source of all the gifts.'" Believer’s Bible Commentary.

When my children were little I volunteered in the PTA like many of you. The goal of the PTA Board was to serve as one body with many functions. The creation of committees enabled work to include the gifts of everyone. Without these committees and the overall direction and guidance of the Board there would have been a lack of unity. Not everyone could serve but some could give in monetary ways. Not everyone could give financially but many could donate their time and talents. Each role was vital to the overall good of the school.

Any Christian organization should also function in this manner as the focus should always be kept on the Head, Christ. The unity of the Church will begin and end by maintaining this focus and earnestly seeking our part in the church. ‘There is no believer who does not have a function to perform.’ Believer’s Bible Commentary, p. 1791.

It is easy to look around and feel intimidated by the service, monetary gifts and talents of others. This is why we should take our focus off of the ministries of others and focus on what we are being called to accomplish through the Holy Spirit. Each ministry (calling from God) is equally important and created by God for our service. Our ministry may be a beautiful voice for song serving in front of the congregation or singing Jesus loves me to a child privately. Don’t ever underestimate the power of your calling because our service, in whatever form, is the obedience of a child when the Father calls. Obedience will always be blessed by God.

It is essential to pray to God for Him to show us where our talents and service lie so that we can work in the Kingdom for the overall good of bringing lost sheep to the Shepherd.

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