Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Poor In Spirit

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5:3

Our first beatitude covers seasons that we all have experienced. Being poor in spirit can involve hopelessness in our circumstances wherein we have cried out and feel unheard. It can involve extreme loneliness in our situation when we feel as if no one understands the deep dark depression in which we find ourselves. For me, it has been the brokenness I experienced when I realized that attitudes that previously worked no longer do. Bottom line, being poor in spirit is desperation of the heart.

It is easy to get in a ‘poor in spirit spiral’ when we rehearse everything that is wrong with our lives instead of the blessings from God that carry us. Sometimes, if we will just step away and re-assess all that has been done for us and through us during our tough times we can get a handle on that spiral.

Laying our honest brokenness on God’s altar for surrender is paramount in releasing the hopelessness in any situation. God cannot do anything with our brokenness until we release it. He knows our hearts regardless of what is spoken to Him so why not come before Him in complete honesty.

It is also imperative to find a few Christ-centered friends with whom you can share your brokenness. I know personally for me within the past year there have been two times in particular that have played out this principle. The first was Griefshare at my church which enabled me to share deep wounds and brokenness with other people in pain. The other time was a woman’s retreat I shared with precious women back in October. When we get together as a Christ-centered group we see the pain of others helping us to put our own suffering in prospective. ‘Broken hearts and broken lives don’t get put back together while you’re laying on your bed in the dark. They get healed inside the arms of healthy love.’ Living Your Life As A Beautiful Offering, p. 18. The loving support of Christians between each other is a command from God. ‘Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.’ Gal. 6:2.

Usually being poor in spirit is the result of long suffering and waiting on a situation to resolve. The longer our trials consume us the more likely we will spiral into helplessness and hopelessness. We must trust in our Savior during times of wait. He has not forgotten us and has never left us. ‘I waited and waited and waited for God. At last he looked; finally he listened. He lifted me out of the ditch, pulled me from deep mud.’ Psalm 40:1 – The Message. ‘The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.’ Psalm 34:18. ‘He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.’ Psalm 147:3.

The lessons we learn during our brokenness will be the faith we rest on in future trials. It will be our hope during the next season of suffering. Our pain is never wasted and will be used for our future ministry in giving hope to others in the midst of their pain.

We will be delivered from our troubles and our lives will reflect the beauty of this blessing. Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

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