Friday, December 31, 2010

Those Who Hunger

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” Matthew 5:6

Growing up my mother made the most wonderful beef vegetable soup. It was prepared mostly in the winter time as I remember. Even now, as I press on the door of my 50’s I can focus on her soup and almost taste its comfort. All I have to do is see the snow elegantly floating to the ground, feel the plunging cold temperatures and remember days out of school. These memories trigger a sweeter and kinder time that leave me hungering for the comfort of her soup. Other days, not so much because my focus is not there and the triggers are quiet.

Our hunger and thirst for God seems to act the same way. Our trials trigger our need for His comfort and nourishment. Our spiritual stomach growls highlighting its emptiness and need to be filled. ‘Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness are promised satisfaction. They are described as people who have a thirst no earthly stream can satisfy, a hunger that must feed on Christ or die.' Believer's Bible Commentary, p. 1216.

I cannot delay in my pursuit of Him until the snow begins falling and the cold dark envelops. I must constantly pursue God and His kingdom to be given a steady stream of nourishment. I must open my heart during all seasons and make room for His nourishment. This hunger and pursuit of His filling is the feeding tube we all need for sustenance and strength. We must hook up to the lifeline of the Holy Spirit who pumps the living fluid into our spiritual veins.

We must empty out ourselves of our own strength so that there is room to receive the fresh waters of His power. Lastly, we must long for that righteousness in Him that only He can provide. ‘A longing fulfilled is sweet to the soul’ Proverbs 13:12.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled.

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