Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Compass of God

Guide me in your truth and teach me.” Psalm 25:5

One of the most awesome inventions in my opinion is the GPS – sort of an updated version of the old fashioned compass of yesteryear. A compass is an instrument which gives a sense of personal directions just like the GPS. While these inventions continue to change over time there is one compass that will never change – God’s. Using the compass of God we will always be able to navigate through the waters of life, both stormy and calm. Our adversities will not leave us stranded when we apply the directions of God.

North of Adversity – When the Israelites were going through the desert they were in foreign territory. They simply had to look north to receive their guidance. ‘By day the LORD went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light.’ Ex. 13:21-22. When I look up to the northern sky and see the clouds gently moving I think of God’s promise to His chosen people. Hebrews refers to the count of His faithful servants as ‘clouds of witnesses.’ God leads through ‘a pillar of cloud’ and we are to follow those examples of faith. Look north to see those clouds of faith.

South of Adversity – The next compass point is prayer. When you go to your knees you are honoring God’s desire – fellowship with Him. When Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane He fell with His face to the ground when He prayed to His Father. These were some of Jesus’ darkest hours. When you are in your darkest times, go south to your knees, praise God for everything He is accomplishing and receive His endurance and strength in your weakness.

East of Adversity – When God gave specific instructions of how to build the entrance to the tabernacle His command was an eastern entrance. The prediction of the coming of the Messiah was that He would come from the east. The wise men followed the eastern star to find the Way. The east symbolizes entrance, new beginnings and light for the day such as the sunrise. We never question whether the sun will rise, will move and will light our way. By faith, we expect its appearance each morning, we anticipate the warmth it will provide and count on the light to show us where we are going. We can look towards the east of each day and are reminded that God is the beginning and the entrance into peace.

West of Adversity – At the end of each day no matter what your wilderness has brought God gives us the awesome power of the sunset. The sunset gives us comfort that God has marked another day at its end and He has sustained us. Although it is time for us to rest, the Lord never gets tired and those who rest in Him will find renewal. Just as the sun continues to warm when we cannot see it, God continues to renew us through the night. In the midst of whatever challenges you are experiencing, we can rest on the promise of the sunset that God will renew us through the night if we lift up our weariness to Him at the end of the day.

We cannot afford to travel through life without the compass of God.

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