Friday, August 12, 2011

Spiritual Pride

“Also a dispute arose among them as to which of them was considered to be greatest.” Luke 22:24.

The fellowship and intimacy that we develop with God should be the priority in each of our lives. In Christ, we should grow in wisdom and knowledge but also abide in humility. It is a difficult balance to own but I have had the pleasure of knowing an expert in achieving her balanced faith powered by complete humility – my precious grandmother. If anyone had the authority to feel like they were in ‘the inner circle with God’ (which only exists in our ego for God has no favorites) it would be Grandmother. But she knew the importance of her contribution as an equal member in the Body of Christ. She realized that to operate as an island in her faith she would miss out on the revelations God had for her through others. She was as far from possessing spiritual pride as you could get.

Physically speaking, the disciples were obviously in the inner circle of Jesus as they walked, learned and received from Him daily. Right up to the end Christ still taught them this powerful lesson – the importance of realizing you are only one equal part of the Body. God sent me this message back in March of this year as I was awakened with His words, ‘In Christ no man is an island.’ I knew immediately that I was going to receive a spiritual mentor which He was faithful sending in April. Receiving all that God desires to send us brings power to the following verses:

“I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one; I in them and you in me. May they be brought into complete unity to let the world know…” John 17:22-23.

Christians were meant to be interdependent on each other within the Body of Christ. We are to recognize that in some seasons we are to give to the Body and other seasons we are to receive from the Body. It is the way of the perfect balance that our Christ Jesus understood so well.

Even Jesus asked for prayer….

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