Thursday, September 15, 2011

Our Captor

"I will ascend above the tops of clouds, I will make myself like the Most High." Isaiah 14:14

Years ago we all sat before the television amazed at the unfolding details of the Elizabeth Smart story. It seemed we couldn't get enough of the details of how a seemingly intelligent daughter of a father could be kidnapped, brainwashed and buy into such a different form of life. Elizabeth was very secure in who her father was as she was a member of a loving family. This was a solid relationship for which she never knew anything different, but evil intersected her life when she wasn't looking. That day would change both her life and freedom for many years. We were all astonished how this beautiful little girl, now a young woman, was so brainwashed as to who her father was and to which family she belonged. We were appalled by the ability of her captives to change her entire belief system and her perception of who she was.

Dear friends, our captor and his appointed ones are watching us every hour of every day. They wait until an opportunity arises when the window is left open in our minds and hearts. They know where we hide the key and wait for the time to use it, and in the right circumstance swoops in for the kidnap. He gets our attention and slowly, day by day, we become less protected, less focused and less aware of his schemes.

The parallel I draw this morning is our spiritual kidnapping opposed to Elizabeth's physical kidnapping. She held no responsibility in that captivity for her kidnapper was no match for that sweet little girl. Her kidnapper cleverly and masterfully spun a web of deceit breaking down many years of belief in who she was and would be in the future. We are different however as God gave us His spirit to live inside of us. He gives us the Word to tell us who we are, the Holy Spirit to remind us of what He has told us and the Son to die for us. No matter where we walk or lie, we are never unprotected or alone. Satan sees many of God's angels around us. 'He will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands..' Psalm 91:11-12. For some of us, we are dead ringers, easy targets due to our lack of focus on God. For others, he will have to work a little harder, be a little more conniving and beguiling. We cannot fall asleep and allow him to enter into the windows of our hearts. 'But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what hour the thief was coming, he would not have let this house be broken into.' Luke 12:39.

We must surround ourselves with the protection of God. Stay in the Word, meditate on the Word and speak to the Word in prayer. ('...and the Word became flesh...' Matthew 1:1) The Word of God is our sword and our truth.

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