Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Work of Suffering

“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” Romans 8:18

Paul understood that in order for him to minister to others he must first be ministered to by God. Because of Paul’s uncanny understanding of the fellowship of Christ in suffering, he not only expected suffering in life but embraced it knowing God’s power would be revealed in his weakness.

I only have to look as far as Griefshare to witness this attitude of Paul. If God had shown me ahead of time the grief ministry for which He has called me I would have known that first I must suffer. Ministries have to be authenticated with suffering for we cannot provide comfort to others in areas which we have never received. With Griefshare starting up again I know that suffering is the basis for our gathering. Every person will come with their own experience of grief but there will be one Anchor for each to grab hold of. It never ceases to amaze me how the work of the Holy Spirit moves, comforts and transforms no matter what emotion is brought on any given night. This is the glory revealed for which Paul describes that is revealed in us through our suffering. I have witnessed pain reaching out to pain, devastation finding hope in devastation and tears being replaced with laughter…all in the midst of suffering.

If we allow God complete control in our sufferings He will use them for future ministries. Our pain will never be in vain but will become a vessel to display His glory, His power and His healing. Service men and women go into battle and challenging situations every day in order that their sacrifice will be instrumental in our freedom. The same is with our suffering. We must not only be expectant in suffering but willing in our sacrifice for others in revealing God’s glory and strength in circumstances beyond our control.

When you think life is most difficult, God is merely getting you ready for a bigger job – to do something with you that you have not anticipated but that He has called you to do…Trials and tribulations toughen you spiritually so that you will persevere under difficult circumstances.’ On Mission With God, p.156

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