Monday, July 23, 2012

Just a Cracker

The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into a large amount of flour until it worked all through the dough.” Matthew 13:33.

Many years ago when I was a young bride, my mother-in-law would make yeast rolls to serve alongside the meal.  Determined to learn how to make these, I learned the active ingredient was yeast, which was the magic of the bread.   I was so surprised to see how tiny these micro-seeds were when I opened the little envelope.  After I soaked the yeast in hot water it was mixed into the dry dough creating a dough ball.  I pounded the dough down and was required to wait over night for the dough to expand.  The next morning I punched the air out of the dough which occurred through the night and waited again.  At the proper time, when the yeast had done its work, the expanded dough ball was divided into many smaller portions.  The aroma of the yeast bread as it cooks is an aroma that is distinct among all other breads.  The end product was determined by pressure and patience – so is our faith.

Just like the yeast the active ingredient in our faith is pressure and patience.  My Bible Study states, ‘The funny thing about yeast is that when left in an environment of dough, it actually becomes so entrenched – hidden – inside it, that it changes the very composition of the dough.  With yeast you can have a wonderful basket of bread…But, without yeast all you have is a cracker.’ Subversive Kingdom, p. 110.  We all were created with the opportunity to be molded and expanded into something beautiful.  It is only when we are saturated with the pressures of life that our faith is activated and begins to rise.  This faith is tested through challenging circumstances that may beat us down but will not keep us down.  As we wait on God to work in our dark times our faith is expanding and creating a life that will count for something…a life that will be divided into many blessings for others.  We will be hidden in Christ just as the yeast was hidden in the dough.  Our lives will be an amazing aroma as we offer our lives and service to God.

For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God’ Colossians 3:3.  For we are to God the aroma of Christ…’ 2 Co. 2:15.

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