Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Keeping Track of Jesus

“…while his parents were returning home the boy Jesus stayed behind…Thinking he was in their company, they traveled on for a day.  Then they began looking for him among their relatives and friends” Luke 2:43-44.

Growing up on my mother’s side, I had my grandparents, 5 aunts, 6 uncles and 19 cousins.  When we all got together it was a blast but chaotic.  We are all over the place…some in the house…some across the street playing at the bank…some at the BBQ King…and many playing in the motel rooms which my grandmother operated.  Many Sundays we found ourselves in the company of relatives and friends.  I am sure my parents weren’t really sure where we were until it was time to go.  In Jesus’ days, families had even a greater challenge of keeping up with their kids since they would travel with relatives and friends to observe traditional feasts.  It would be similar to our church walking together over three days to a certain location to worship.  It is no wonder that they lost track of Jesus.

In thinking about this story I am reminded today of how easy it is to get caught up in our daily walks and lose track of Jesus.  We usually see the same people on most days and communicate with the same friends and family on others.  We have our routines and come in contact with those with whom we have common interests and ties.  We get so caught up in our own lives we have trouble finding God when a situation arises.  We franticly search for Him wondering where He is and why we cannot find Him.  We lose sight of the fact that we lost sight of Him. 

If we are expecting to find God when our circumstances get rough we must be willing to keep up with Him while things are calm.  Walking daily with Jesus will ensure that we will never stray away.  '...let us keep in step with the Spirit' Galatians 5:25.

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