Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Glorious Splendor

“…Jesus…went up onto a mountain to pray.  As he was praying…two men, Moses and Elijah, appeared in glorious splendor, talking with Jesus.  They spoke about his departure, which he was about to bring to fulfillment.” Luke 9:28-30.

I remember when my dad was in the last couple months of cancer we were sitting at the kitchen table at my parent’s home talking about many things.  The conversation led to Daddy’s probable crossing over to Heaven.  I remembered feeling such peace from God during this conversation and was surprised at how easily this subject flowed.  I asked Daddy if he was scared and he said that he had no anxiety about having to leave this earth because he knew God would tenderly and faithfully take care of Mother and the rest of us.  He said that any anxiety he was experiencing was when he considered how it would happen at the end.  He said that his prayers included comfort in this area. 

When I read this passage this morning it struck me that Jesus must have had the same anxieties.  It is written that He went to pray and as He prayed Moses and Elijah came, and they discussed how His departure was going to happen. Did Jesus lay awake nervous and anxious on many nights maybe like my Dad?  Did the nights drag by as He rehearsed the end in His mind?  Did Jesus’ worries about leaving His family haunt Him on occasions?  Did the same prayer tumble from my dad's mouth as the words of our Lord?  We often lose sight that Jesus was human with human emotions and anxieties.  The New Testament is full of verses of Jesus retreating to prayer, withdrawing to prayer and asking for prayer.  This tells me that He struggled, feared and needed the same comfort we need today. 

Jesus experienced Hebrews 12:1 before it was ever written.  ‘Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders…and run with perseverance the race marked out for us.  Let us fix our eyes on Jesus…Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary, and lose heart.’ Hebrew 12:1-3.  I can’t help but imagine that during Daddy’s similar prayers about the end, God sending down spiritually powerful people from the past.  I can envision Daddy being surrounded by his mother and dad discussing the glorious splendor he will witness the second his heart beats in heaven instead of on earth.  I thank God for this vision this morning as it is another gift for the heart. 

No matter what you face today, take it to God in prayer.  Who knows?  Maybe a great cloud of witnesses from Heaven itself will descend upon you during your prayers.

‘…your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.’ Matthew 6:10.

1 comment:

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

Thank you. I cannot help but reflect on the passing of both my parents and how I am sure God's heavenly host must have ministered to them. We were with our mother at the time and can testify that her last thoughts were of Him and making sure her children and grandchildren would one day meet her in heaven. Thanks again for your thoughts this morning.