Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Let There Be

And God said, ‘Let there be…’ God saw all that he had made, and it was very good” Genesis 1.

 I never knew until this morning that there was such correlation and connection between the elements of creation for certain days. My commentary states that the first 3 days of creation were days of forming habitats for God’s future inhabitants. He formed day/night... water/dry ground…vegetation. The last 3 days were for filling His creation with its inhabitants…sun/moon for the day and night…birds/fish for the heavens and seas…man/woman for the land and to enjoy creation. Then God looked over His Creation, giving certain authorities to each inhabitant, according to their own habitat. Then on the 7th day God made a bold statement through His creation of rest. This statement says that while we are giving authority over many things in the world that He created for us, He is the sovereign authority over everything in our lives. We are to rest in His authority and wisdom for the flow of our lives. Why is this important to me this morning?

Because today is the beginning of my Sabbath, my 7th day resting in His authority and purpose over my life. Today I begin my inhabitance of a new land that God began creating two years ago. It is a land of opportunity and abundance…a land of newness and adventure. Over two years ago God began creating and orchestrating events that would lead up to my employment with On Eagles Wings Ministries. God required me to wait for several years following my time as caregiver for my family members. I can now see as I stand beside Him in our Sabbath all of the ways He orchestrated days 1-6 for my new land. I can clearly see from the 7th day view the things He did during certain times that had to be done in a certain way…a certain order…certain timing...days 1-6. Where I now stand wouldn’t have happened without His calculated creation of things and situations leading to this very moment. The best part of this all is that I kept my hands off of it. I saw His leadings and whether I agreed or not, I trusted Him for the journey. I wasn’t perfect in my attitude, nor was I convinced in the destination. The one thing to which I held tightly was the truth that anything God created for me would be so much better than what I would have manufactured.

We must all believe wholly in our hearts that we are future inhabitants of what God is creating on our behalf. We might not be able to see or understand what God is forming, but we can be confident that we will be the recipients of His best. God is speaking ‘Let there be…’ in all of our lives and if we keep our hands off of the situation, and our eyes to the Lord it will be very good. God is still creating and there is still a divine order of events, circumstances and situations that must occur to get to our Sabbath day.

You can trust Him completely for your future land of ‘Let there be…'

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