Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Where Are You?

Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid…But the LORD God called to the man, ‘Where are you?’” Genesis 3:8-9.

As long as I can remember I wanted to be a mommy.  It was all I ever dreamed of and most of what I pretended as a child.  It is no doubt that by the age of 21 I had birthed a beautiful daughter.  I had imagined a world for her of complete joy and a life for me of sheer pleasure.  I decided to have her because I wanted to take pleasure in her.  But something happened that separated us from each other…evil happened.  When she was 13 years old she began a downward spiral of sin and darkness.  The choices she made broke our fellowship with each other.  She left home at 15 and for the next 8 years would live a life apart from the family.  We would tell her how loved she was but she couldn’t believe it.  We would tell her how we would do anything to save her life but the world told her different things.  We constantly offered ways back to us but she chose to continue in her own lifestyle and agenda.  We would spend days and nights looking for her…wondering if she would ever return…was she even still alive…if there would ever be reconciliation between us… ‘Darling daughter, where are you?’

We have a Father who searches us out, desiring fellowship in the sacred places.  God created every one of us for His pleasure and to share a life with Him.  His desire is to walk with us…talk with us…fellowship with us…but sin happens separating us from Him.  But like a parent He is relentless in His pursuit to bring fellowship back between Father and child.  He put in place a process to bring us back to Him…the ministry of reconciliation through the sacrifice of Christ Jesus.  That ministry is the very vessel that allows our prodigal hearts to return home like our daughter did after 8 long years.  That ministry is the very means to the end allowing me to see the faces of my departed loved ones one day.  But most importantly that ministry covers me with God’s unchanging grace, allowing me one fine day to see the face of my Father fully instead of in part.  For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known’ 1 Co 13:12.

We cannot outrun God and we will never out-sin His grace.  Whatever we have done, are presently doing or will do in the future is already covered by the blood of Jesus.  We must simply reach out and receive the forgiveness and mercy that came about by the work on the cross.  Our Father will keep pursuing…keep chasing…never give up on restoring the relationship He created between you and me.  We must believe Him when He tells us He loves us…we must remember that He offered a way back to Him through Christ.  We must never forget that He will never forget us, and will pursue us until we return to Him.  He has proven that He would do anything to save us.

Our Father, who art in Heaven, holy is your name!

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