Thursday, May 10, 2018

Anxiously Searching

Assuming he [Jesus] was in the traveling party, they went a day’s journey…When they did not find him, they…searched for him. After three days, they found him in the temple… ‘I have been anxiously searching for you.’” Luke 2:46, 48 b.

When I was growing up with my sisters, Daddy always had to be at church earlier than the rest of us. We always waited and rode with Mother on Sunday mornings. Once church let out, the four little girls scattered, and we each went our own way with our friends. Mother and Daddy would fellowship with the other members after church. I remember one time when I was left at church because one parent thought I was with the other parent. I believe this happened on more occasions than one. When they discovered I didn’t make it home one of them jumped in the car and found me in front of the church. But this was a benign oversight compared to poor Mary and Joseph.

I can’t imagine being the mother of Jesus and realizing after a day of traveling home that He had been left behind. The 3-day search must have put paralyzing fear in the hearts of Mary and Joseph. I wonder if Mary feared in her heart that she would never see her son again. I doubt she could think of very little other than their separation. By the time they found Jesus, I’m sure they were exhausted and relieved…irritated but grateful. Little did Mary know that the 3-day period of separation from Him would foreshadow another 3-day period of separation. How could she know that both would end in reconciliation? How could she know that the first time He was in the temple, but the second time He would become the Temple? When He was twelve, they sought out their son…when He was 33 Jesus sought out His mother. ‘Suddenly Jesus met them. “Greetings,” he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him.’ Matthew 28:9.
We too can feel reconciliation with Jesus when we have been separated from Him. He is seeking us out just like He sought out His mother. When we are experiencing our 3-day period of darkness that this fallen world has brought upon us, we can be guaranteed that Jesus will suddenly make Himself known to us. We must simply go to Him, kneel at His feet and worship Him. When we return to the Temple we will always find Jesus waiting for us and listening to our heart cries. When we are suffering and anxiously searching for relief, we can take that Christ is always there.

He has risen from the dead, and indeed he is going ahead of you…you will see him” Matthew 28:7

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