Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Attention to Details

“Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow” Matthew 6:34, The Message.

There are five words that command immediate focus when announced in any given situation…May I have your attention? Most of the time no matter what is going on, our circumstances are briefly halted to prepare for the rest of the sentence. What follows can certainly be an announcement of something to celebrate, however many times it can be important instructions to apply caution. God is the creator of those words. He commanded attention from the sun, the moon and everything else under His authority instructing them where to go, when to go and how long to stay. The unique attention He pays as He forms each baby in their mother’s womb is another beautiful example of His attention to details.

I began considering how I am measuring up when it comes to paying attention to details with God.  Am I looking for God tomorrow and ignoring my attention on Him today?  Am I forming prayers on my lips for next week’s event when today has looming consequences?  Why on earth is it so easy to give our attention on future events with fear, anxiety and impatience?  What does, giving our entire attention to God right now look like?  It looks like the caregiving woman who needs strength for the moment, so she pushes her crowded thoughts away and whispers ‘Lord, I need you right now.’  It is the fearful spouse who lives in the future scared and insecure from past unfaithfulness.  She pushes through her insecurities and begs, ‘Father, help my unbelief.’ It is returning to our knees the moment we feel scared…lonely…sad and affirm ‘Greater are you in me God than any of these emotions.’

There is so much attention that must be given to this moment…this morning…this afternoon...tonight.  What blessings and comforts from the Lord are we missing out on when we set our hearts on tomorrow?  Lord, help us pay close attention to today and the plans you wish to show us so that we may not miss one detail. The fruit of our fellowship with God is guidance, wisdom, peace and joy apart from our circumstances.

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