Thursday, February 14, 2019

Remembering the Crown

My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command.” John 15:12-14

Yesterday was cold, windy and overcast for most of the day. Bruce and I didn’t even think about going out on the screen porch to watch the sunset. I kept glancing over my shoulder as if I was going to miss something. Suddenly a cloud shelf formed and for the next 30 minutes God displayed a canvas of colors as if His paint inventory exploded in the heavens. Many of you saw these pictures on Facebook last night but it wasn’t until this morning that the gift really came. Robin Cole, a friend of mine from high school commented on one of the pictures pointing out a crown on the horizon. I couldn’t believe that I missed the crown last night when looking at these pictures. On the eve of Valentine’s Day God displayed an image that gave expression to the words of John 15:12-14. Greater love has never been shown than when 1/3 of the Godhead stood up, removed His crown in Heaven and stepped down to earth. He had to lay down His crown in order to lay down His life for you and for me. And yet, we sometimes need that reminder of the crown and what it means to us.

On this Valentine’s Day I will certainly lift my gratitude to my Father for precious friends and family whom I adore. They are such incredible blessings from God as expressions of love, laughter, joy and fellowship. But as I continue to think about the crown in the sky last night I am left with humble realities. God loved us so much He sent Jesus to show us how to live with love and how to die with love. He showed us that love can be extended to our haters and through Him we have the power to love the unlovable. He invites us not just into eternity but into a personal friendship with Him sharing every detail of our life. As God gently placed the beautiful crown on the horizon last night, He was saying, ‘Don’t forget about the Crown tomorrow when considering love. Don’t forget that Jesus allowed Himself to hang on a criminal’s cross although He was sinless. And least of all don’t forget that Jesus arose with your freedom in hand and ushered your position in eternity.’

No…greater…love! May we all have a beautiful Valentine’s Day as we remember that since He laid down His crown we will pick up our crown one day.

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