Monday, February 4, 2019

Walking out our Very Good

God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. God set them in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth, to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good” Gen 1:16-18.

Yesterday our pastor began a new series about how faith and science do not have to be enemies. Our pastor highlighted that while God considered His creation as good, it wasn’t until mankind was created that it became complete. All the elements of nature reflect God’s glory and each display their unique light. Consider the sun and the moon that God placed in the sky at their prospective times of the day. He didn’t just create them but wanted to share the fruit of their existence with mankind. He didn’t create them for His own enjoyment, rather so we could share in the beauty of the sunrises and the sunsets…the ‘work of their hands.’ He scattered billions of stars in the sky to remind us of innumerable blessings under which we live. He saw how good the creation was and then He turned His heart to us…born in His image…born to take hold of the beauty of creation that He described as good. As mankind opened its eyes for the first time God must have been overwhelmed with parental love and joy. He had created something beautiful to share with His children.

And our very existence is what completed God’s perfect creation. ‘God created mankind in his own image…God blessed them…God saw all that he had made, and it was very good’ Ge 1:27, 28, 31. God’s opinion of us never changed, but sin changed us. Because God’s first desire was to fellowship with His children, He sent a way out for all of us. He applied the sacrifice of Jesus to restore our status of ‘very good.’ When I consider my past sins, I’m thankful as a believer God still sees me as very good. When you consider the bad choices you have made, through Christ God still sees you as very good. For the wayward family member who is a believer, we must try to see them through the eyes of their Creator…they are very good. I’m so thankful that we can learn from the sun and the moon that rises on the righteous and the evil. They don’t discriminate upon whom to bless because they rise to the voice of God, and so should we. May our lives do the same as the sun and moon and reflect the beauty of our Creator blessing all people. May the fruit of our existence shine brightly in the dark and beam brilliantly in the day as we walk out the very good work of God.

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