Friday, January 17, 2020

Heaven Gained

He trusted in the LORD, the God of Israel, so that there was none like him among all the kings of Judah after him, nor among those who were before him.” 2 Kings 18:5.

A few days ago, I was honored to be able to watch a celebration of life service for a family member of one of my best friends. I didn’t know him, but it is clear from the speeches and service that this was a beloved man of God, respected by everyone whose life he touched. Although only Jesus has ever lived a perfect life, this man seemingly ranked in the top tier. As a matter of humor, the wife of the family member joked that when she crosses over, her obituary will simply inform the reader who she was married to and point them to her husband’s accomplishments.

I’ll be you are wondering why this verse is so precious to me this morning. The reason is simple and fills me with hope when looking at my own life. As written in yesterday’s devotional, King Hezekiah began his reign strong as he was one of the first kings to focus on the things of God. He followed decades of evil kings and ruled in stark contrast of their idolatry worshiping, greed and sinful ways. King Hezekiah had an incredible love for and devotion to God, but he didn’t end well. The last of his life was plagued with one of his greatest failures as king. He revealed the worth of his kingdom to the enemy and took the glory away from God. By his prideful choices, He made vulnerable the lives of his family, friends and kingdom. He lived under the curse of God’s prophesy of future attack, devastation and heartache. And yet, since all Scripture is God-breathed, and God-inspired I am overwhelmed that God saw the heart of this man instead of his failures.

This verse comforts me in a way that nothing on earth can comfort. It encourages me that in spite of what I have done in my life, God has seen the times that I have trusted Him. It lets me know that any future failures or sin I may experience will be met with the grace, love and forgiveness of a Father who never turns away. Can you even imagine that our names are on the lips of God and the mind of Christ? It’s too much to comprehend! With all my mistakes, past sins and future failures that I know could define my life after I’m gone, the only opinion that matters will the One who can truly see my heart. Words cannot express the love we all have for God, but God knows the depth of love we carry in our heart. I don’t know about you, but I am hopeful that our stories, as our life on earth wraps up and life in Heaven begins, will point to Christ’s accomplishments and His life. Because of Him, death only resides on earth, but real life is gained when we awake in Heaven.

For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Philippians 1:21

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